Saturday 31 March 2007


Phobias are covering a whole range of stuff. But the main ones are fairly sensible. Things like heights, poisonous snakes, spiders and giraffes.

A lot of people don't understand just how debilitating being a giraffobe can be, some of them even laugh, as if giraffobia was funny. Well it's not funny at all. Not when you find yourself checking for giraffes under your pillow every night.

And when you're even scared of those dead giraffes you sometimes find in corners of the attic or in the back of dark cobwebby cupboards.


We are able to view all entities, from the microworld to the universe, from a single perspective. By setting them up against a scale, we are able to compare and understand things which cannot be physically compared.

Today, using the electron microscope and astronomical telescope, we can see objects of which we have not been aware of before. Are you able to fathom, or even roughly grasp, these sizes? See Nikon's Universcale and experience the sizes of various objects.

Otters Holding Hands

Ah, this is cute! At the Vancouver Aquarium, two sea otters float around, napping, and holding hands.

(thanks Irina)

The 20 Greatest Historical Myths

'Humanities Talks' has a list of the 20 greatest historical myths. It's a nice list although not all of these claims are correct.

Newton was not hit by an apple, Walt Disney did not draw Mickey Mouse, Marie Antoinette never said 'Let them eat cake,' Captain Cook did not discover Australia, Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb.

The 'Amen Break'

The 'Amen Break' is the most sampled drum beat in the history of recorded music. The 'Amen Break' was a drum-solo performed by Gregory Cylvester Coleman. The break is a frequently used sampled drum loop in hip hop, jungle and drum and bass music. It's 5.20 seconds long and consists of 4 bars of the drum-solo sampled from the song 'Amen, Brother' as performed by the 1960s funk and soul outfit The Winstons.

Nate Harrison's 2004 18-minute video is a meditation on the ownership of culture, the nature of art and creativity, and the history of a remarkable music clip.

The World's Smallest Pancake

Pancakes are a type of flatbread prepared from a sweet batter that is cooked on a hot griddle or in a frying pan. They exist in several variations in many different local cuisines. Most pancakes are quick breads, although some are also made using a yeast-raised or fermented batter.

Pancake making - A different method.

Friday 30 March 2007

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean

When mapping a route from Chicago to London, Google Maps suggests you swim the 3,462 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.

Do Fairies Live At The Bottom Of Your Garden?

Don't be silly! Of course they don't!
Or, do they?

What appears to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside... The remains were discovered by a local man, who wishes to remain anonymous, while walking his dog along an old Roman road situated between the villages of Duffield and Belper...

The remains, complete with wings, skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine.

Memories Keep Him Close

Here's a story that will bring tears to your eyes.
The Chicago Tribune posted excerpts from the final letter from U.S. Army Captain Michael MacKinnon to his wife and two young children. Captain MacKinnon lost his life in Iraq on October 27, 2005, when a bomb exploded near his Humvee.

To his daughter Madison:

Madison, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you when I said I was coming back. You were the jewel of my life. I have to tell you that you really broke my heart that day when I left and you said, 'don't go, I need my daddy, I don't want my daddy to go.' I nearly cried in front of all the army guys.

If you can do any thing for me, you can take school seriously and do well. With a good education you can become anything you want. Stay away from drugs, they will ruin your life. Finally, stay away from bad men. You deserve too much. I don't think anyone would ever be good enough for you. Stay beautiful, stay sweet. You will always be daddy's little girl.

Here's a PDF document of Captain MacKinnon's letter.

An Amazing Scene In Burma

This is a picture of a rock formation near a lake in Burma. The photo can only be taken on a specific day once a year when the sun rays touch the rocks at a certain angle.
Tilt your head to the left and then look at it again.

I'm not sure if this is for real, it could be Photoshopped.

Crossing The Street In India

It's like Real Life Frogger.

(via A Welsh View)

Dispelling The Top 10 Nutrition Myths

Eating eggs will raise your cholesterol. Drink eight glasses of water per day. Vitamin supplements are necessary for everyone. All alcohol is bad for you.

You've probably heard these pieces of nutritional advice before. Well, they're not neccessarily true.

Save Fred

Fred's heart stopped beating.

Only you can save him.

But you got to be quick.

Time is running out.

(via corsinet)

Luncheon Loaf

Luncheon Loaf is dedicated to the lost art of luncheony loafiness. Take a stroll through the gallery of loaves from luncheons past.

Thursday 29 March 2007

60 Years Of Ferrari And Shell

Travelling around the world with Ferrari and Shell.

Humanizing China

The excellent Chinablog EastSouthWestNorth has a series of photos entitled 'Humanizing China.' The photos are grouped in three categories: Survival, Relationships and Desires.

(via Metafilter)

World's Fattest Man In Mexico

Manuel Uribe is the world's fattest man and he lives in Mexico. His starting weight was 580 kg/1200 pounds. Now he had a weight loss surgery and lost 160 kg/350 pounds in a few months.

He is still over 400kg/850 pounds. After five years he was able to leave his house and come out on the street and celebrate his weight loss.

(via Look At This...)

Smart Sunglasses

Get ready for the coolest, most colorful shades on the planet. Chemists at the University of Washington in Seattle say they are developing 'smart' sunglasses that will allow the wearer to instantly change the color of their lenses to virtually any hue of the rainbow by tuning a control knob on the glasses.

Here's a streaming video of the 'smart' sunglasses.

Gamer Widow

A Gamer Widow is a term for those who have a relationship with a Gamer who pays more attention to the game than to their partner.... thereby making their partner a 'gamer widow' (female) or 'gamer widower' (male). In general we say 'gamer widow' and encompass both male and female community members.

Most gamer widows are attached to players of massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Because many of these games revolve around building or 'leveling up' a player character, many hours are dedicated to this process while playing the game. is a place for all sorts of Gamer Widows to come together and discuss their experiences, learn about other 'widows' and also learn about the games that their gamers are obssessed with.

Accidents In Reverse

Sometimes accidents are funny to watch.
It's even more funnier to watch them in reverse.

How To Get Rid Of Stuff

How to Get Rid of Stuff is a free resource provided in an effort to aid you in getting rid of those things in your life that you would just rather be without.

Like how to get rid of spyware, of a cold, of acne, of cigarette smell, of ants, of blood or coffee stains, and yes, even how to get rid of boyfriends and girlfriends.

Jen Stark

Sculptor Jen Stark makes beautiful, hypnotic statues by precisely cutting patterns out of layers and layers of bright-colored construction paper.

(via Boing Boing)

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Search Engine Smackdown

Search Engine Smackdown is a fun flash game where you can be the Google founders (Larry Page and Sergey Brin), Yahoo founders (Jerry Yang and David Filo), or Microsoft founders (Bill Gates and Paul Allen) and duke it out with each other in a wrestling ring.

You need to answer a series of search-related questions to score hits. Time is important and a highscore table tracks the best winning times.

(via Google Blogoscoped)

Michael K. Brandow - Lawyer

Michael K. Brandow is an experienced trial lawyer with more than 16 years experience in Illinois Workers' Compensation and employer liability matters.

But Michael is not your every day lawyer. He really gets his teeth in a case. He's a tiger! Just look at his picture on his site.


Liesweiter is a German weblog with some interesting articles. That is, if you can read them. Liesweiter is almost completely set in morse code. Although it doesn't read easily and quickly, I can understand what the articles are about because I was a radio telegraph operator in the army.

But I understand that if you don't know morse code, it's just a bunch of stripes and points.

Google Job Opportunities

Google is interviewing candidates for engineering positions at our lunar hosting and research center, opening late in the spring of 2007. This unique opportunity is available only to highly-qualified individuals.

The Google Copernicus Hosting Environment and Experiment in Search Engineering (G.C.H.E.E.S.E.) is a fully integrated research, development and technology facility at which Google will be conducting experiments in entropized information filtering, high-density high-delivery hosting (HiDeHiDeHo) and de-oxygenated cubicle dwelling. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by April 1, 2007 and have proof of earth residency.

10 Handbags For The Manly Man

From American Inventor Spot:

When you and your lady are going out together, you somehow end up holding her purse. It would be ok, if her handbag was something manly or cool like a man purse or a hunting knife, but inevitably, it's something dainty with lots of sparkly things on it.

What to do to make it more fun for a man to hold a woman's purse. If men are going to end up holding the darn thing, shouldn't it be something they can have more fun with or at least not be mortified to be seen with? Here are 10 handbags for the manly man.

World's Tallest Man Gets Married

Bao Xishun, 55, from China is 7 foot 9 inches tall. He has never been married or even dated because of his extreme height. In February this year, he met a 28 year-old girl named Xia, and they fell in love.

Just a couple of days ago, Bao Xishun and Xia were married.

The Reality Of Running Away From Stuff

We've all seen movie characters escape from a lot of stuff. Some of it almost believable, some of it downright silly. The movie The Time Machine shows our heroes free-climbing up a 100 foot cliff and then racing to safety up a mountain to escape a large explosion. In The Mummy Returns, a hero actually outruns the sunlight streaming over the horizon. Just how unbelievable are these feats of speed?

Here's a chart showing maximum speeds for some of the more common Hollywood hazards measured against the fastest speeds that an Olympic level human can deliver (all in meters/second).

The World's Largest Model Railway

Mini Wonderland Hamburg's warehouse district in Germany is home to one of the world's largest model railway tracks. Every half hour, day turns to night in this miniature world. This is one of the biggest mock-up railways of the world.

Over 450 railway carriages with more than 7,000 trailers, 50,000 trees, 30,000 figures, 10,000 cars, 5,000 meters of track, 3,000 houses and plenty of bridges.

More photos at the official site Miniature Wunderland.

(via J-Walk Blog)

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Zoomquilt 2

Zoomquilt is a collaborative art project from 2005. It involves the use of optical illusion, and a series of interlocking frame images to create a never-ending series of images when compiled in a programmed loop.
You certainly remember the original Zoomquilt.

Now there's Zoomquilt 2.


Many people have the dream of being a gypsy, a dream of travel and freedom. For every housetruck or housebus, there is an artist who has built it to meet their individual needs.

The Builders

Not sure if I posted this one before.
Bizarre creatures attempt to find answers to big questions.

(via Everlasting Blort)


Gummi Bear Sculptures

10 Reasons You Aren't Rich

10 Ways to Create a Breakthrough In Your Life

How I'd Hack Your Weak Passwords

The Car Music Project

The Car Music Project was conceived in late 1991 by composer Bill Milbrodt when his personal car, a battered and road-weary 1982 Honda Accord, was nearing the end of its useful life.

After the car was entirely dismantled, metal sculpturer Ray Faunce began creating the bands instruments from the old cars parts, a process that took 18 months. Instruments made from the car are the Exhaustaphone, Strutbone, Percarsion, Tank Bass, and Air Guitar.

(thanks Lin7)

Wind Tunnel Footbridge

The Wind Tunnel Footbridge is a new covered bridge for the 21st century; a design proposal for a new kind of wind activated footbridge made of steel and aluminum. As the wind blows, the five wind turbine wheels turn at different speeds around the people who are walking through to reach the other side.

Three of the five wheels turn in one direction while the other two turn in the opposite direction. As the wind driven wheels turn in different directions and at different speeds, they can produce different electronic corresponding sounds.

(via escape)

It All Starts With A Good Guitar

Chelsea Guitars.

(thanks Elliot)

Made Of Japan

The Onitsuka Tiger shoe is made of Japan. It's made out of tiny images and every image links to something Japanese on the Internet today. Click on the shoe and see were it takes you.

Just remember the world wide web is pretty big and Onitsuka Tiger cannot be responsible for what you find. The only thing we know for sure is that it'll be Made of Japan.

Monday 26 March 2007

Ticker Maker

Here's a nice RSS Ticker Maker. The Pipes Picayune & Daily Tube which I'm using here is one of several mashed-up news tickers that use the new Pipes service from Yahoo! to deliver up-to-date data in a dated style. Clicking on the spinning newspaper gets you to the post in full on this website.

Make your own RSS Ticker.

(via Larry Hnetka Goes HMmmm)

Chocolate Is Good For Your Health

Chocolate, in all of its varied forms, is probably the world's favorite confection. Several psychiatrists have recently speculated that, because the substance contains phenylethylamine, depressed people may resort to chocolate binges in an unknowing attempt to raise their spirits and adjust their body chemistry. Others have speculated that the substance exerts an amorous effect.

Chocoholics were given further reason to rejoice when a small clinical study showed that dark chocolate improves the function of blood vessels.

Famous Pairs

Famous Pairs is a deliciously absurd collection of portraits celebrating some of history's most noteworthy twosomes. From Adam and Eve, to Bonnie and Clyde, to Bill Clinton and you-know-who, you've never seen couples captured in quite the same way.

Here are some Famous Pairs.
On the left are Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield.
On the right are Bill and Monica.

(via Miss Cellania)


You all know what a carwash is.
But have you ever heard of a manwash?
It's the same! Well, almost.

The Great Elephant Poo Poo Paper Company

We collect naturally dried elephant dung from elephant conservation parks and bring it back to our paper-making factory. We then pre-rinse the elephant dung with water, leaving only the fibrous materials from the grasses, bamboo and fruits they've eaten.

Afterwards, we place the fibers into a giant pot of boiling water to ensure the fibers are super clean. After this thorough cleaning, any color that we may want to add can be added.

(via Nag on the Lake)

Celebrity Mini-Me

A Worth1000 contest.
Celebrities always have to have the latest accessories: expensive purses, chihuahuas, adopted African children... whatever it takes to stay in the limelight.
This year, the latest new trend is miniature clones, as made popular in the 'Austin Powers' films. Famous celebrities and their miniature doppelganger.

Celebrity Mini-Me part 2.

(via BLOGotinha)

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: The Miracle Of Digestion.

click on the picture for real size

Dude Falling

It's a dude. You see him still standing here but trust me, he's going to fall.

(via Reality Carnival)

Sunday 25 March 2007

Frozen Lake Fishing

How to go frozen lake fishing?
Take a frozen lake. Put a cabin on it.
Drill some holes. And there you go!
Frozen Lake Fishing.

10 Steps For Boosting Creativity

Imagine what life would be like if you could generate a string of wild ideas at will. And to be known by everyone as a creative genius.

Here are 10 steps for boosting your creativity.
But please, take it 'cum grano salis.' A measure of healthy skepticism should be applied regarding these claims, at least that's the impression I get from reading step #1:

Listen to music by Johann Sebastian Bach. If Bach doesn't make you more creative, you should probably see your doctor - or your brain surgeon if you are also troubled by headaches, hallucinations or strange urges in the middle of the night.

(via My Empty Bucket)

Global Trouble Alert Map

My, according to this map there is a lot of trouble going on in the world.

The Global Trouble Alert Map aggregates over 50 types pf disaster and misfortune in real time. Clicking on the icons gives a zoomed-in Google Maps view along with newswire info on the incident.

(via Information Nation)

Free Photo Booth

A free photo booth?
You know you will get pranked.

(via constant ravings)

What Would I Be If...

Gotinha of BLOGotinha gave me a challenge.
What would I be if I were...

If I was an hour of the day... I would be the hour between 20.00 and 21.00
If I was a planet... I would be Earth
If I was a direction... I would be straight ahead
If I was a piece of furniture... I would be a couch
If I was a liquid... I would be water
If I was a sin... I would be lust
If I was a rock... I would be pyroxenite
If I was a tree... I would be an apple tree
If I was a fruit... I would be an orange
If I was a flower... I would be a rose
If I was a climate... I would be a subtropical climate
If I was a musical instrument... I would be a guitar
If I was an element... I would be barium
If I was color... I would be blue
If I was an animal... I would be a lion
If I was a sound... I would be a whisper
If I was music... I would be 'Child in Time'
If I was a music style... I would be rock n' roll
If I was a feeling... I would be 'joy'
If I was a book... I would be 1984 by George Orwell
If I was a food... I would be Brussels sprouts
If I was a place... I would be home
If I was a flavour... I would be chocolate
If I was a scent... I would be 'key lime'
If I was a word... I would be shrimpoluminescence
If I was a verb... I would be 'exist'
If I was an object... I would be a cloud
If I was a part of the body... I would be the eyes
If I was a facial expression... I would be a smile
If I was a cartoon character... I would be Sponge Bob
If I was a movie... I would be The Godfather
If i was a form.. I would be a tetrahedron
If I was a number... I would be 13
If I was a season... I would be summer
If I was a sentence... I would be 'I love you'

You can pass on the challenge to whoever you want.

Ad Slogan Tournament

Slate has an advertising slogan tournament. Which commercial catchphrase is the best of all time? You choose between pairs of advertising slogans and decide who moves on to the next round.

Then choose again on your favorites to advance them through the tournament.
My winner is 'Got Milk?' from the California Milk Board.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Wake N' Bacon Alarm Clock

An alarm clock that wakes you up with the smell and sizzle of cooking bacon. A frozen strip of bacon is placed in Wake n' Bacon the night before. Because there is a 10 minute cooking time, the clock is set to go off 10 minutes before the desired waking time.

Once the alarm goes off, the Wake n' Bacon clock sends a signal to a relay that throws the switch to power two halogen lamps that slow-cook the bacon in about 10 minutes.

Cities Around The World

Cities Around the World presents over 6,100 photographic images from the slide collections of the American Geographic Society Library.

The images selected for this project focus on architecture, city life, people, transportation and other aspects of urban development, such as neighborhoods, commercial streets, and business districts. The pictures were taken by two photographers, Harrison Forman and Harold Mayer between 1942 and 1994.

Things You Don't See Every Day

As a matter of fact, if you surf the net as much as I do, you do see these things every day.
Pictures from a PowerPoint Slide Show by Hakan Altundas.

The Incredible Mouth Band

A band that instead of playing instruments, just repeatedly spoke the title of their instrument to the tune of the song.

The 50 Most Important People On The Web

Despite what Time magazine would have you believe, you are not the most powerful or influential person on the Web.

PC World considered hundreds of the Web's most noteworthy power brokers, bloggers, brainiacs, and entrepreneurs to figure out whose contributions are shaping the way we use the Web.

Pyramid's Secret Doors To Be Opened

Doors will soon open to reveal one of the mysteries of the Great Pyramid in Giza.
Dr. Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, said he will show what lies behind secret doors inside the 4,500-year-old pharaonic mausoleum by the end of this year.

The monument has long been rumored to have hidden passageways leading to secret chambers, and archaeologists have puzzled over the meaning of four narrow shafts deep inside the pyramid since they were first discovered in 1872.

(via Land-O-Links)

Friday 23 March 2007

Profile Of A Memphis Belle

Meet Anna Clifford. She looks kind of normal, doesn't she? The 25-year old Tennessee woman was arrested on a drunk driving rap. According to Memphis cops, Clifford was weaving across the road in a 2000 Chevy when she was pulled over.

Nothing special there. But the bust of Clifford is notable for the view she afforded Shelby County sheriff's deputies when posing for the profile portion of her mug shot. To see that amazing photo, visit The Smoking Gun, scroll down and click through to the second page.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Life Size Whale

A life size whale on your screen.

The Museum Of Lost Interactions

Do you know what a richophone is? Or a prat sampler, an acoustograph, a chordmaster, or a pester?

The Museum of Lost Interactions has a collection of forgotten communication and entertainment media.

(via Optical Poptitude)

Ramblin' Woody Rat

Woody Rat is traveling the world.

My name is Woody. I live in Vlezenbeek, close to Brussels, the capital of Belgium. I left my home and my family to start my journey on June 6, 2006. My mission: to see the world! If I am your guest today, it's thanks to all those friendly people who carried me from town to town. If you didn't meet me in person yet, I hope this will happen soon. Until then, stay tuned!

(thanks Eddie)

World Against Toys Causing Harm

W.A.T.C.H.'s annual '10 Worst Toys' list nominates representative toys with the potential to cause childhood injuries, or even death. W.A.T.C.H.'s annual 'Toy Conference' has generated extensive national press and media coverage.

Because of these efforts, and the positive response from both the media and the public, there have been many toy and product design changes. Founder Edward M. Swartz and W.A.T.C.H. have fearlessly exposed potentially dangerous toys to the general public. As a result, children's lives have been saved.

MTV Puberty

MTV brings back the pains of puberty. Director Clay Weiner created some character-driven tales about that miserable time known as puberty.

Zits, farts, burps, doo-doo's, boogers, and all the other joys of young adulthood are together again in these new MTV promos.

Summit Tunnel

After almost five years of sustained construction effort, in the late Spring of 1868 the Central Pacific Railroad finally 'conquered' the Sierra Nevada Mountains with the successful completion at Donner Pass of its 1,659-foot Tunnel #6 (aka 'The Summit Tunnel') thus permitting the mass transportation of passengers and freight over the Sierra range for the first time.

The Summit Tunnel was used continuously for 130 years by the trains of the Central Pacific, Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, and AMTRAK. It is now bypassed and sits idle.

(via Information Junk)

Thursday 22 March 2007

Heavy Seas

Footage from a helicopter of the passenger cruiser 'Voyager' caught in heavy seas.

(via Ursi's Blog)

Wave Chaise

The Wave Chaise is a design by Roberta Rammê from Brazil.
Designer's own words:

Imagine a furniture to wear... then dress it with an innovator design, intense colors, ergonomics and technology appeal. Like in fashion, the point is to unify beauty, comfort, and functionality.

Whether your desire is to watch TV or DVD, listen to your favorite CD, read, talk on the phone, or even study, take a nap or browse the internet, you got it close, in a multifunctional chaise-longue.

Bugs Rock

Bugs Rock is an animated website by the Metro Toronto Zoo to celebrate the arrival of Jeb, a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. Jeb plays in a rock and roll band. Hissing Cockroaches are the largest of their kind, wingless, and because of their entertaining hissing sound, have become popular as pets.

See how Jeb, a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach made his journey to the Toronto Zoo. Then watch Jeb rock out with his band.

(via Ursi's Blog)

What We Are Searching For

Philipp of Google Blogoscoped has hacked together a little page that randomly juxtaposes actual search queries from the AOL log files leak with portraits found on Google Images.

Father Or Mother Of Something

Wikipedia has a list of men and women described as father or mother of something. This does not always mean they invented, discovered or originated the thing with which they are associated. It also does not mean that they always have been or currently are considered a father or mother of it.

Examples are: Ernest Rutherford, father of nuclear physics. Thomas Wedgwood, father of photography. Mary Wollstonecraft, mother of feminism and Bill Monroe, father of bluegrass music.

(via Tom McMahon)

Snow Doughnuts Are the Real Thing

Snow rollers are cylindrical masses of snow that range from the size of a fist to about 4 feet long. They resemble bales of hay. It's the same principle as making a snowman, except it's nature doing the rolling.

The snow has to be fresh and moist enough to be cohesive and there has to be a wind strong enough to get the snow rolling.

Canned Radiation

Canned Radiation from Three Mile Island produced by Brenster Enterprises of Etters Pennsylvania. This was probably the most popular souvenir associated with the accident at Three Mile Island. The six suggested uses indicated on the label were:

* Remove label and tell your enemy its laughing gas.
* Energy free night light (illuminates in darkness).
* Mix with cold cream for that radiant beauty.
* Instant male sterilization (sniff twice daily).
* Use as a room air freshener.
* Toothpaste recipe: mix 3 to 1 ratio with basking soda, for ever glowing smile.

(via Casa do Kct)

First Video Of Grand Canyon's Glass Skywalk

A few lucky visitors got an early glimpse of the Grand Canyon's Glass Skywalk which officially opens on March 28.

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Encyclopedia Pictura

Encyclopedia Pictura is a directing collective of a group of friends who all went to the Academy of Art in San Francisco. They make very bizarre, creepy, and insane videos.

Windows Vista - Arrogance And Stupidity

From Andrew Grygus:

Upgrading to Windows Vista has been banned by the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Federal Aviation Administration, technology giant Texas Instruments and other corporations and government agencies. These organizations are evaluating their options.

Vista was designed with almost no consideration for the needs of Microsoft's customers. James Allchin, co-president of Microsoft's Platform Products and Services Group wrote an internal memo saying that Microsoft had lost touch with customer needs and if he didn't work there he'd buy an Apple Macintosh. Allchin retired the day Vista shipped.

10 Most Magnificent Trees In The World

Neatorama has a nice article about the 10 most magnificent trees in the world. From the Lone Cypress in Monterey to the amazing Baobab trees of Madagascar.


Stockholm Subway

Winter on Mars

How Police Interrogation Works

Greek Gods Family Tree

The Ultimate Google Search Guide

Beautiful Dixie

Beautiful Dixie.

(thanks Linda)

Shorpy - The 100 Year Old Photo Blog

Shorpy is a photo blog about what life a hundred years ago was like: How people looked and what they did for a living, back when not having a job usually meant not eating.

Shorpy starts with a collection of photographs taken in the early 1900s by Lewis Wickes Hine as part of a decade-long field survey for the National Child Labor Committee, which lobbied Congress to end the practice. One of his subjects, a young coal miner named Shorpy Higginbotham, is the site's namesake.

The Tuxedo Travels

On April 1st, two fools who barely know each other will travel from Hong Kong to London in 4 months and 10 days, culminating in a black tie gala on August 11th.

Heath Buck and Douglas Campbell will be using the internet to directly connect people to their experiences.

While avoiding getting kidnapped or molested, they are also attempting to raise US$20,000 for an altogether silly charity called The Silly Fund. And the entire trip will be done in tuxedos.

(via Grow-A-Brain)

Search With Kevin

Every time you search the with Kevin web you stand a chance of winning a prize from Kevin Federline. is a Yahoo! powered search engine that offers you the chance to win cool prizes from Kevin Federline every time you search.

Every day they pick random winning times. If you are the first person to search after the selected time, you win a prize - instantly! Only users 13 and older in the United States are eligible to win a prize.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Gotta Go Briefcase

The Gotta Go Briefcase is the #1 briefcase when you have to go #2. From American Inventor Spot:

The Gotta Go Briefcase will surely inspire the business savvy men and women of the world climbing the corporate ladder who will stop at nothing to get an edge… not even to take a dump. In today’s fast paced corporate market, every minute counts and often can be the difference between success and failure.

No longer is it feasible or convenient to take time out for toilet breaks, especially in taxis, subways or rail systems where facilities aren't always provided. Now, for the GM who has to take a BM, there is the Gotta Go Briefcase. A full functioning briefcase that also doubles as a portable lavatory.

Second Attention MindSearch

Mind refers to the collective aspects of intellect and consciousness which are manifest in some combination of thought, perception, emotion, will and imagination.

Second Attention MindSearch helps you find the best mind expanding news, articles, media and people. MindSearch combines 5 custom Google searches focusing on sites with high quality mind expanding content. The categories are:

Mind - focused on web sites with deep content on the themes of consciousness expansion, science of mind, Entheogens, Dreams, Futurism, etc.
Blog Explorer - searching the most innovative blogs for inspiring news and stories.
Social Networks - helping seekers find others with similar interests.
Social Bookmark Search - find out what others are linking to.
Forums / Discussion groups - search 33 discussion groups focused on awareness, mind expansion and cutting edge science.

20 Things You Didn't Know About Aliens

Where are they lurking?
When will we find them?
And will pictures of naked people impress them?

20 Things You Didn't Know About Aliens.

Coffin Computer

This is just weird. A coffin computer with some front side ports and jacks, an LCD screen embedded in the coffin door, and a slide out keyboard.