Friday 23 March 2007

The Museum Of Lost Interactions

Do you know what a richophone is? Or a prat sampler, an acoustograph, a chordmaster, or a pester?

The Museum of Lost Interactions has a collection of forgotten communication and entertainment media.

(via Optical Poptitude)

6 comment(s):

Bogdan said...

Aren't you a tad early? Next Saturday, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bogdan, I don't understand.

Bogdan said...

Next Saturday will be April 1st. That site is obviously a joke.

Bogdan said...

Hummmm... or maybe not, after further research (which I obviously did after posting). :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha, now I understand, Bogdan.
I don't think the site is a joke, it all looks very serious.

Bogdan said...

I seriously hope you're not taking a site's appearance as a metric for its legitimacy -- not in this day and age, with your surfing experience. I was able to cross-reference some of the information on that site on some very serious sources (i.e. major news outlets, such as the BBC, IIRC) before retracting my original opinion.