Sunday 25 March 2007

What Would I Be If...

Gotinha of BLOGotinha gave me a challenge.
What would I be if I were...

If I was an hour of the day... I would be the hour between 20.00 and 21.00
If I was a planet... I would be Earth
If I was a direction... I would be straight ahead
If I was a piece of furniture... I would be a couch
If I was a liquid... I would be water
If I was a sin... I would be lust
If I was a rock... I would be pyroxenite
If I was a tree... I would be an apple tree
If I was a fruit... I would be an orange
If I was a flower... I would be a rose
If I was a climate... I would be a subtropical climate
If I was a musical instrument... I would be a guitar
If I was an element... I would be barium
If I was color... I would be blue
If I was an animal... I would be a lion
If I was a sound... I would be a whisper
If I was music... I would be 'Child in Time'
If I was a music style... I would be rock n' roll
If I was a feeling... I would be 'joy'
If I was a book... I would be 1984 by George Orwell
If I was a food... I would be Brussels sprouts
If I was a place... I would be home
If I was a flavour... I would be chocolate
If I was a scent... I would be 'key lime'
If I was a word... I would be shrimpoluminescence
If I was a verb... I would be 'exist'
If I was an object... I would be a cloud
If I was a part of the body... I would be the eyes
If I was a facial expression... I would be a smile
If I was a cartoon character... I would be Sponge Bob
If I was a movie... I would be The Godfather
If i was a form.. I would be a tetrahedron
If I was a number... I would be 13
If I was a season... I would be summer
If I was a sentence... I would be 'I love you'

You can pass on the challenge to whoever you want.

1 comment(s):

Gotinha said...

Thanks Sponge Bob!
Greetings from Portugal