Friday 25 November 2011

Coming Soon: Computerised Contact Lenses

Imagine catching up with your texts, social networking and perhaps the news without having to log on to a computer or even glance at a smartphone. Messages and images would simply appear in front of your eyes, generated by a computerised contact lens. But until now the concept of info-vision had belonged to the realms of science fiction.

However, scientists have developed a prototype lens that could one day provide the wearer with all kinds of hands-free information. The lenses, which would be inserted and removed like normal contacts, could also be handy if you are indeed enjoying the great outdoors, allowing you to zoom in on distant views.

2 comment(s):

Frank Clarivu said...

I enjoy being switched off for a bit when I go on holidays. Already i find myself at a gathering and me and at least 2 others texting instead of socialising. I can see a grim future with this, despite its handiness.

Anonymous said...

This is one very interesting thing to look up to. If this will be used by the people, everything would be a lot easier and faster. You can do many things while texting, social networking hands free. I really hope it could do more than just that what was mentioned.