Saturday 1 October 2011

Top 10 Misunderstood Creatures

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Many animals unfortunately suffer from a rather negative image in human culture, regarded by us as frightening, disgusting or just plain lowly. Nature, however, has no 'vermin' or 'pests' -all things have their place in the natural order of things, and in most cases, the benefits of an organism far outweigh its (accidental) inconveniences.

Even animals many of us find 'ugly' are only demonstrating the perfect body shape for their particular ecological niche. Open up your mind a little, and you just might find some beauty in something that once made your skin crawl.

1 comment(s):

Snidely Whiplash said...

They are very wrong about Guinea Pigs, they aren't evil little cretins like hamsters. I have had lots of them and they never bite except in self defense or when your finger is too close to the food. They may not be a smart as rats but they are much sweeter