Saturday 25 June 2011

Neatorama's Zombie Give-Away In Cooperation With The Presurfer

Last month I posted about the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's warning for a Zombie Apocalypse. You may laugh about that, but it could happen.

Yes, the Zombie invasion is in full swing and our friends at Neatorama, in cooperation with The Presurfer, are giving away a refrigerator magnet shaped like a mix 'n match zombie, and two doorstops that look like squished zombies.

Just go to the NeatoShop and take a look. Click on each zombie to see them in their gory detail. Then send me an email which one you would like to have. The Give-away runs from today until Tuesday night 12 o'clock GMT.

Here are the rules:

Go to the NeatoShop.
Look around and pick a zombie product.
Mail which product you want to
Give-away runs from Saturday June 25 until Tuesday evening June 28 12 o'clock GMT.
Winners will be picked by a True Random Number Service.
Winners will be contacted by me and asked for their postal address.
Neatorama will send the prizes directly to the winners.