Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Weirdest Theory In The World

This explains a lot. Could the earth, moon, planets and stars all be hollow bodies? Amazingly, the answer is Yes! And very likely inhabited within!
It is a terrestrial paradise where the original Garden of Eden is located today, where the Lost Tribes of Israel live, where the Lost Viking Colonies of Greenland migrated to, where vanquished Germans migrated to after World War II, where flying saucers come from, where people live to be hundreds of years old in perfect health, and where Heaven is located.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Don't you think someone might have noticed a dirty great hole at the North Pole????

Don't you think airline pilots would have noticed such a large hole?

Talk about nutters!!!!

Linda said...

It looks to me like a Money Making scheme. Fifty dollars for a bottle. Four hundred thirty two dollars for a Case of the stuff.