Wednesday 30 September 2009

Birds On A Wire

From a photograph of birds on wires, musician Jarbas Agnelli composed a song.

Make The Most Of Office Coffee

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Unless you're very lucky, you're likely stuck in an office that has coffee somewhere between 'drinkable' and 'intestine-wrenching.' Office coffee is generally pretty awful. Purchasing a quality coffee machine, quality coffee, and orchestrating the two in any semblance of order is apparently quite low on the list of priorities for most managers.

These tips will help you take the 'stock' setup and make the most of it and provide alternatives if the stock setup is just too awful to even salvage. Use this guide to increase the quality of your office coffee experience.

Why Women Cry More Than Men...

Are women more emotionally aware than men? Why does your arm hurt during a heart attack? Could people who see fairies be telling the truth? Why are horror films scary? These are just some of the questions answered in a fascinating new book on the brain.

Written by Rita Carter, a leading science and medical writer, it provides extraordinary insights into the way our brains work - and why we behave and act in the ways we do.

The World's Top Shark Attack Beaches

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Are your dreams haunted by big, slippery sharks with dead-black eyes? When you see a body of water, do you instantly imagine razor-toothed monsters lurking below the surface, ready to take a delectable bite out of your arm or leg?

Then remember we're not on top of the menu when it comes to the shark diet, and when surfers or swimmers get attacked it's almost always an accident. Regardless, all sharks are to be treated with caution and lethal attacks do occur. The beaches that have a relatively high incidence of shark attacks are darkly compelling attractions that excite and repulse our deepest emotions.

The World's Top Shark Attack Beaches.

Thousands Of Snakes In The Narcisse Snake Pits

The Narcisse Snake Pits are located north of Narcisse, Manitoba, Canada. The dens are the winter home of tens of thousands of Red-sided Garter Snakes. These pits are the largest concentration in the world of this particular type of snake.

(thanks Cora)

10 Spectacular Woodblock Prints of Dragons

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Woodblock printing emerged in China in 220 as a method for printing onto textiles and later paper. An image is carved into a wooden block 'in reverse': areas that appear white in the print are cut away and those that appear black, or a particular colour, are left at surface level. The wooden block is then stamped, rubbed or pressed onto a piece of textile or paper to create a detailed image.

The dragon is a common motif in much Chinese and Japanese art and dragons feature heavily in some of the most visually arresting woodblock prints.
Here are 10 woodblock prints of dragons.

(thanks Andy)

10 Strange Places

Our planet Earth has many strange and often beautiful places that retain the power to inspire and mystify. They remind us that even in this age of technical and technological marvels there are still amazing places to be discovered.


Khuan+Ktron is a fully equipped and fully staffed modern graphic studio, dedicated to the manufacturing of brightly colored - yet thematically somewhat eccentric - pictures of the floating world, info- and typographics, packaging designs, leaflets, brochures, pamphlets and books.

(via Everlasting Blort)

The Super-Sized Saguaro And Its Greedy Guests

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The Saguaro cactus, found in Mexico, Arizona and some parts of California is a giant among its type, growing to the size of a tree. It also gets a number of house guests during its life time. The desert isn't a place that you might normally associate with teeming life, but our planet is full of surprises.

The saguaro manages to survive in extremely harsh climates and, wherever it lives animals are to be found. Some even manage to make the enormous cactus their home.

(via Robert-John)

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Dumb Inventions

The 20th century saw many astounding technological innovations. The automobile revolutionized the way people live and work, the internet changed the way people think about information, and the USA put a man on the moon.

But some technological advances that came in the earlier part of the 20th centry weren't exactly meant for the history books. Because they were stupid.

(thanks Zachary)

Ohio Is A Piano

88 Counties in Ohio, 88 keys on a piano. A musical map ensues. Click on the counties to play the piano. See what the geography of an example song excerpt looks like. Counties darken as they are played, and the red bullseye tracks the average location of counties (notes) in the song.

(thanks Cora)

Top 10 Cool Uses For Old Computers And Laptops

So you finally bought a new computer and your old one sits in the corner and is collecting dust. That's too bad because there are a number of things you can do with an old computer.

Whether it's a desktop computer or a laptop, whether or not it's broken, and no matter how old it is, it can still be useful to you or someone else.

Top 10 Cool Uses For Old Computers And Laptops.

Paintball Pop Art

(thanks Pierre)

Dr. Evermore's Scrap Metal Park

Dr. Evermore's Scrap Metal Park contains hundreds of creatures made from scrap metal. At the center of the park - located in Saulk City, USA, is the huge Foreverton Machine, made with 320 tones of scrap metal.

It is the largest scrap metal sculpture in the world. The massive structure is 6 stories high and made of scrap generators, thrusters, machine components and factory scrap.

5 Of The World's Weirdest Cameras

These cameras are visually the strangest ever seen, and if you think the first one on the list is odd, just wait until you reach the bottom of the page. You'll be stunned.

(thanks Dave)

10 Cutting Edge Folded Paper Artists

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Making art from folded paper is by no means a new idea. Origami has been an established art form in Japan since the early Heian period, which began in the year 794.

In recent decades however, artists have really explored paper's potential as an artistic medium, creating beautiful and often very intricate sculptures and installations from this natural substance.

(thanks Andy)

10 Wonderful Websites With Which To Waste Time At Work

There are some things that are best avoided in the workplace and when that thing is work itself then the internet offers a multitude of distractions that will make those hours between nine and five disappear quickly and efficiently.

Why, you may even forget that you are at you desk at all. OK, possibly not but you will certainly waste some time with these sites.

(via Robert-John)

Monday 28 September 2009

Lost Vegas

image credit Austin Hargrave

Lovebirds Steven and Kathryn share a well-organised home in bustling Las Vegas. They have a neat, if compact kitchen, a furnished living area, and a bedroom complete with double bed, wardrobe and bookshelf featuring a wide selection including a Frank Sinatra biography and Spanish phrase book. And they make their money in some of the biggest casinos in the world.

But their life is far from the ordinary. Because, along with hundreds of others, the couple are part of a secret community living in the dark and dirty underground flood tunnels below the famous strip.

(via Boing Boing)

Demolition City

Always wanted to be a demolition master? Now's your chace.
In Demolition City you have to place dynamite on some concrete buildings. Then hit Boom! Get the building rubble below the height marker to win.

(via Look At This...)

The Famous Layered Jewish Cemetery In Prague

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Although abundantly dressed in hundreds of Gothic like blocks and layered with century old figures, this historical site does not fall short of mystery and intrigue.

The Old Jewish Cemetery located in Josefov in Prague was built in the 1400's. Many of the inhabitants of the burial grounds were residents in the ghetto like Jewish Quarter. They were segregated and forced to reside there under the strict institution of the Christian authorities.

(via Lauren)

Ponytail Cap

Business in the front, party in the back. Guaranteed double-takes all around when you don this redneck style hairdo, spilling out from underneath the attached cap. It's yours for $10.98.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Can't You See I'm Busy

Can't You See I'm Busy is the only site where you can play games without your boss noticing. Let's face it; we all want to relax every now and then, but still want to appear professional or busy! That's why all the games at are designed in a way that nobody can see that you're gaming.

Currently there are 3 games online: Breakdown, Leadership, and Cost Cutter. Can't You See I'm Busy is working hard (really, they are!) to develop new cool hidden games to make your workday bearable.

The Spider-Man Lookalike Lizard

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The lizard that looks an awful lot like a certain superhero is in huge demand in pet shops. Fans of Peter Parker's erstwhile alter ego Spider-Man who also happen to be animal lovers have discovered their ideal pet.

Looking strangely like the comic and movie hero, step forward the Mwanza flat-headed rock agama.

(via Robert-John)

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: Flying the Jolly-Roger.

click on the picture for real size

Visit the Home Schooled Webcomic.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Honesty Stamps

Truth, honesty and the deepest form of sincerity are close at hand with these Honesty Stamps. Stamps include:

In all my life I've never met anyone as beautiful as you
All I ask for is one last chance
I know in the past I've found it difficult to say these words but I Love You
I swear on my mother's grave I'll never do that again
I sincerely apologise for all the trouble I've caused

Barack Obama's Amazingly Consistent Smile

Appetizing Architecture

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Buildings shaped like food became hugely popular in the 1930s when the idea of road tripping was relatively new. Business owners along the Lincoln Highway, the first coast-to-coast highway in the U.S. were looking for a creative way to entice road trippers to stop for a bite.

Today, many of these structures are lovingly maintained, while others sit abandoned. Still, new ones occasionally pop up. So next time you're on a road trip, take some time to look out the window and smell the donuts, or the coffee, or the watermelons.

Tic Tic Tac Wafer's Keyboard

(thanks Cora)

Top 10 Ways To Get More From A Cameraphone

The best camera, the saying goes, is the one you have with you. Whether that's an impressive iPhone 3GS or a $20-with-2-year-plan flip model, you can pull off great shots and make life easier with these cameraphone tactics.

45 Incredibly Stylish Vintage Travel Print Ads

A collection of the most colourful and endearing old school travel print ads out there. Travel ads of the fifties, sixties and seventies differ greatly from those of the noughties. While modern ads rely heavily on expert photography, those of yesteryear feature gorgeous Rockwellian paintings and detailed illustrations, not to mention beautiful typography.

They provide us with a glimpse into the past and an opportunity to see travel through the eyes of those that lived up to 50 years ago.

(thanks Andy)

Saturday 26 September 2009

One Chromosome Too Many - The Last Supper

There are many modern versions of Leonardo da Vinci's painting 'The Last Supper.' This sequence of 5 images, photographed by Russian Raoef Mamedov, portrays Jesus and his 12 disciples as 'sufferers' from Down syndrome.

This post is not meant to mock religion or disabled people. On the contrary, I think this is one of the most beautiful recreations of The Last Supper I have ever seen.


Goby is a new search engine that's all about finding fun ways to spend your free time, from a weekend to a week off. Whether you're looking for the perfect bed and breakfast for a romantic getaway, a fresh hiking trail to tackle, a cool new museum to visit with the kids or a live show to check out this weekend, create your next adventure with Goby.

Goby uses something called 'deep Web' technology to search carefully selected databases and other sources of information that are pre-qualified for relevance. Then Goby organizes your query results in a meaningful way instead of spitting back a series of web pages that happen to contain your key words.

18 Superheroes Built Out Of Legos

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Much like biological cells, the tiny little blocks of Lego contain within them the potential to build so many things: medieval castles, space stations, pirate ships, and now... superheroes.

A toy builder named Angus MacClane has created tiny Lego versions of many of your favorite caped crusaders, and the results are impressive.

100 Greatest Hits Of YouTube In 4 Minutes

How many do you recognise?
The song is 'M.A.D' by Hadouken.

(thanks Pierre)

The Changing Face Of Everyday Design

The Guardian newspaper has a collection of design images from the 1950s to today. See how airline attendants, corn flake packets, police cars, and Queen Elizabeth's hats have changed over time.

The Changing Face of Everyday Design.

(thanks Cora)

New Light On The Plight Of Winter Babies

Children born in the winter months already have a few strikes against them. Study after study has shown that they test poorly, don't get as far in school, earn less, are less healthy, and don't live as long as children born at other times of year. Researchers have spent years documenting the effect and trying to understand it.

But economists Kasey Buckles and Daniel Hungerman at the University of Notre Dame may have uncovered an overlooked explanation for why season of birth matters. Their discovery challenges the validity of past research and highlights how seemingly safe assumptions economists make may overlook key causes of curious effects. And they came across it by accident.

(via Neatorama)

Friday 25 September 2009

Fastest Time To Recite All 50 United States In Alphabetical Order While Being Hit In The Head With Wooden Spoons

It's a new world record. No, not the title above, although it's the longest title of a post ever to appear on The Presurfer.

The world record was set by Brian Pierce who recited all 50 U.S. states in alphabetical order in 21.20 seconds while being hit in the head with two wooden spoons.

The Instant Art Critique Phrase Generator

Feeling inarticulate? Critically gauche? Or just verbally impotent? Salvation is here! With the Instant Art Critique Phrase Generator you need never again feel at a loss for pithy commentary or savvy 'insights.' With this device you can speak about Art with both authority and confidence.

Use this marvellous tool to amaze and confound friends and colleagues. Don't miss this opportunity to menace and dumbfound professors and artists emeriti! Here's an example of an Art Critique Phrase.

Honda Unicycle Launched As 'Indoor Segway'

Honda has unveiled an electric battery-powered personal transporter, a unicycle shaped like the number eight that riders steer by leaning in the direction they want to travel.

The 'U3-X' is the latest to join a growing number of futuristic transportation devices, such as the much bigger Segway. But while the Segway has been used outdoors and in big buildings, the Honda machine is small and light enough to use at home.

(thanks Jennifer

How To Land A Helicopter After Your Pilot Has Been Killed

Lets say you are taking that once-in-a-lifetime helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, when suddenly a Red Flocked Booby smashes through the windshield, incapacitating your pilot.

If you, the non-pilot, find yourself in the unenviable position of being in a helicopter without a pilot, you're going to have to land. With some mental preparation and a whole lot of luck you may be able to pull this off.

The Ruins Of Detroit

At the beginning of the 20th Century, the city of Detroit developed rapidly thanks to the automobile industry. Until the 50's, its population rose to almost 2 million people. Detroit was the 4th most important city in the United States. It was the dazzling symbol of the American Dream City with its monumental skyscrapers and fancy neighborhoods.

Increasing segregation and deindustrialization caused violent riots in 1967. The white middle-class exodus from the city accelerated and the suburbs grew. Firms and factories began to close or move to lower-wage states. Slowly, but inexorably downtown high-rise buildings emptied.

Nowadays, its splendid decaying monuments are, no less than the Pyramids of Egypt, the Coliseum of Rome, or the Acropolis in Athens, remnants of the passing of a great civilization.

(thanks Harry)

4 Easy Steps To A Great First Date

(thanks Matt)

The 20 Best Cartoons Of The 90's

The 90's were a golden age of cartoons. Brainz put together the 20 best, their only criteria being that the cartoon had to start in the 90's, meaning a couple of very late in the decade entries were still eligible.

(via Neatorama)

Airline Logos

A collection of Airline Logos.

(thanks Cora)

Thursday 24 September 2009


The Presurfer: September 24, 2000 - September 24, 2009.

We are nine today.

30 Extraordinary Black And White Tilt-shift Photos

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Tilt-shift photography is a creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model.

Black and white tilt-shift images, which are surprisingly uncommon, have a classic, vintage quality that can be truly stunning. Here you'll find 30 of the best.

(thanks Andy)

related posts:
50 Examples Of Tilt-Shift Photography
TiltShift Maker

The Story Of The Gömböc

A Gömböc is a strange thing. It looks like an egg with sharp edges, and when you put it down it starts wriggling and rolling around with an apparent will of its own. Until quite recently, no-one knew whether Gömböcs even existed.

Even now, Gábor Domokos, one of their discoverers, reckons that in some sense they barely exists at all. So what are Gömböcs and what makes them special?

Odd Finds In Real Estate Listings

Lovely Listing shows odd finds in pictures put on the Internet by Real Estate companies. Like the one above. What's that holding the door? An alien, a deformed hand or a giant chicken infestation?

(thanks Mercurior)

The Environmental Impact Of Cell Phones

The Environmental Impact of Cell Phones.

Riverdance Dog

Mini the dog dances for your sheer pleasure.

(thanks Wendy)

The Awesome Graffiti Of Tenerife

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Tenerife is home to an enormous amount of creativity, from the flower carpets of the Corpus Christi celebrations right through to world renowned architecture such as Santiago Calatrava's stunning Auditorio de Tenerife.

Another visual treat to be experienced, especially in the island's capital, Santa Cruz, is the enormous amount of unique street art on show throughout the year. Here is a relatively small selection of the urban artwork the area has to offer.

(thanks Dave)

PUMA Pitcrew Builds Ferrari Car Out Of Clothes

The PUMA Pitcrew really knows how to work their magic. Watch as they transform a Ferrari display into a motorsport masterpiece in 47 seconds flat.

(thanks Cora)

Hitler's Gold: Uncovering The Biggest Bank Heist In History

Among the chaos of the collapse of Hitler's empire in April 1945 the biggest heist in history took place. Gold bars, jewels and stolen foreign currency with an estimated worth of $3.34 billion vanished from the Reichsbank vaults, in Germany.

In the ensuing decades small quantities of this bounty have turned up in Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Spain and Sweden but the majority remains missing. Across the world search teams look for this missing treasure but after 60 years the bulk of this bounty still hasn't turned up.
So just where is Hitler’s missing gold?

(thanks Andy)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Pedaling Robot

Joules might be a robot, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy a calming tandem bike ride with his creator, Carl. He's not dead weight, either - he actually pedals, thanks to a PMG-132 motor.

(via Crave)

10 Beautiful Illustrations From Seriously Rare Books

Pictures printed in books published before the development of chemical photography were so much more significant than those printed today. In these pre-photographical times, pictures were essential for the recording and sharing of knowledge, whether scientific, geographical or cultural.

Because many pictures served the same purpose that photographs do today, they had to at least appear accurate. Pictures were, therefore, drawn with an astounding level of detail, which makes them a pleasure to behold to this day.

(thanks Andy)

7 Amazing Engineering Wonders Of Today And Tomorrow

Megaproject... even the word sounds big! As technology evolves to meet the demands of our dreams, more and more wondrous feats of engineering will transform our world; and us with it.

These 7 amazing engineering wonders push the envelope of what can be accomplished on Earth - and someday, beyond.

Oops Design Award Winners

Back in July I posted about the nominees for the Oops Design Award, an award for the ugliest, silliest and most useless products completed and manufactured.

Now the Oops Design Award Foundation has made the choice and is happy to present you winners of the Oops Design Award 2009.

Buildings That Look Like the Death Star

In the movie Star Wars there is this sweet battle station, called the Death Star. It's a giant moon shaped station, capable of destroying just about anything. There are some buildings here on Earth that sort of resemble it, though it isn't clear if any of them are capable to destroy Alderaan, or any planet for that matter.

Here are 22 examples of Death Star type buildings.

(thanks Nick)

Selfplaying Music Machine

(thanks Cora)

Sea Monsters

Contrary to popular belief, the sailors of Columbus's day did not think they would sail right off the edge of the Earth. They were, however, apprehensive about what they would find in their travels.

Mistakes about marine life have ranged from inaccurate assumptions about the behavior of known species to fanciful depictions of animals that 'might' exist.

The Wand Remote Control

Harry Potter might be a dab hand at casting spells but he can't switch between television channels. And that's because the annoying little brat has only got a wand, not the Wand.

This gizmo looks like the kind of thing you might find in Diagon Alley. The difference is you use it to control your telly via various abracadabra-ish gestures. Simply swish, whirl and flick the Wand Remote Control to change channels, adjust volume and much more.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Is nothing sacred for Kanye West, the American rapper, record producer, author, and singer?

Make every website Kanyelicious.

Stuck Tic Tacs

A collection of stuck Tic Tacs, a frustrating sweet.