Wednesday 30 September 2009

Thousands Of Snakes In The Narcisse Snake Pits

The Narcisse Snake Pits are located north of Narcisse, Manitoba, Canada. The dens are the winter home of tens of thousands of Red-sided Garter Snakes. These pits are the largest concentration in the world of this particular type of snake.

(thanks Cora)

4 comment(s):

Kunoichi said...

I used to live near the dens! It's a great place to visit. The best times to go are in May, when they come out of hibernation, mate and leave, and September, when they all come back and hand around a while before it gets cold. Garter snakes are great to have around, too, as they eat all sorts of pests in the garden.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my ignorance...are they mating?

Ron said...

They are mating in May, when 100 males will form a "mating ball" around each female. You leave them alone then, especially the females ( unless you want to be swarmed by males).

In September you can pick them up, as they're pretty lethargic due to the cooler temperatures. They like the warmth of your hands and will curl up and be still.

Noumenon said...

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?