Saturday 6 September 2008

Onde E Que As Mulheres Gastam O Seu Dinheiro?

My Portuguese isn't as good as it used to be, but I think it has something to do with women and money.

(via Everlasting Blort)

8 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Perfect Gerard! Something like this: 'How the women spend their money!' or 'Where the women spend their money'.
Shoes, Shoes, shoes... the women are like a centipede!

Anonymous said...

This same AD has been in the U.S.A. for some time now. It for a 'Coinstar Machine'
...They have these machine at your local grocery store, where you dump your jar of loose coins in and they give you a receipt to take to the check-out and get paper money.
Of course for a fee of 10%.

My Bank has a coin machine also, and they don't charge for the service.

Anonymous said...

I'm Portuguese and your translation is correct: Where do women spend their money?

Didn't know this ad. Cool Eheh

Anonymous said...

Very good , Gerard!!

Anonymous said...

Coinstar has had a few of these type of Ads. Targeting both women and men.

The coins come marching in and make some type of head-phones in another commercial.

lemelao said...

uow....I'm not the only Brazilian that visit The Presurfer...Interesting. Congratulations for the good job with the blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm brazilian. But as a man, I believe that the correctly tranlation is: Where do women spend YOUR money.


Anonymous said...

there is a reality! Woman spend all money in shoes. Great video.