Saturday 19 July 2008

Bed Time

So, you've got a couple of puppies and it's time for them to go to sleep. What do you do? Sing them a lullaby, of course.

4 comment(s):

marianagrilla said...

Unbelieveable and beautiful. When you do a really high pitch sound the dogs get excited, that must happen to the puppies but the other way around...

Anonymous said...

NOtice how in the beginning all the dogs r looking towards their owner waiting for something. And after he started singing immediately the dogs decided to sleep.
So the singing cld be a sort of signal to sleep

Anonymous said...

The natural mother of those puppies is nowhere to be seen, nor is their natural father.

After seeing this video, are we to assume/believe, that they are now in better hands..?

Dangger said...

OMG, too cute, unbelievable. Its really really cute.