Most people are simply unremarkable. The few who are stunningly beautiful enjoy attention, acclaim, and recognition - through no effort of their own, they enjoy the privileges of rarity. But they're not alone...
There are countless thousands born under much the same star, two standard deviations from the norm in the opposite direction. Fugly is an attempt to rectify that injustice, to give the ugly their fair share... or more aptly, their just desserts.
21 comment(s):
Some of your examples obviously did not put their own pictures on the internet.
Labeling them as ugly is cruel.
You should be ashamed for playing along and I request that you take their pictures off your main page.
And I request you lighten up and get a sense of humor.
I sort of have to agree with anonymous.
My first thought when I saw the three photos you've displayed- before I even read the text underneath - was, "Whoah! Ugly!"
But then I felt very guilty. What if one of these people saw their photos on the fugly site? If I were one of them I'd be devastated.
They probably have had to deal with mean comments all of their lives.
Anyway, Gerard, I don't think you're bad for linking to it. And I have to admit that I'm writing this before visiting the actual site (which, guilty or not, I am going to visit).
I just feel bad for these fugly people.
"Just desserts"?
I completely agree with the first anonymous. You post a lot of funny shit. This is not funny in the least (and I did visit the site).
If having a sense of humor means laughing at people for their genetically-inherited characteristics, then I'm happy not to have one.
I agree with the other commenters, this is mean and not funny.
Folk, these photos are obviously anonymous ones, maybe they are not still alive.
Notice, Gerard is not using these images in depreciatory form.
Take easy and enjoy!
anonymous... :o)
I agree with the majority of posters. This has nothing to do with having a sense of humour. It's to do with laughing at people for characteristics they have no control over. Would you laugh at someone for being black, or blind? What's the difference?
And if heading a post like this "Fugly" isn't deprecatory, I don't know what is. Perhaps kct doesn't understand what the word means?
By the way, Gerard mate, nobody is ever going to mistake you for George Clooney. I take it you'd have no problems if someone submitted your photo? After all, it's just a bit of fun at someone else's expense, isn't it?
"[...]Fugly is an attempt to rectify that injustice, to give the ugly their fair share... or more aptly, their just desserts."
Hey Grapes 2.0, read the text and interpret it. It is you who does not seem to me be able to understand the topic.
@kct: so what does "just desserts" mean, do you suppose? Hint: it has nothing to do with ice-cream.
Do they accept submissions? I've had some passport and drivers license pics that would fit in nicely. One time the customs agent guy actually laughed at it. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing had I been in his shoes.
Can you just understand the obvious thing?
Just Desserts may refer to:
Just Desserts shooting, an armed robbery and fatal shooting committed in Toronto in 1994
Just Desserts (Cory in the House episode), the eighth episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Cory in the House
Just Desserts (film), a 2004 film directed by Kevin Connor
or just an ice-cream :oP
Like these poeple don't have it hard enough already, without jerks splashing their faces all over the internet. My high opinion of this site just took a major downturn.
@kct: The "Obvious thing" is when people get together to laugh at the retard, or the fat chick, or the cripple, or the ugly guy.
That's what this post is doing. Nothing else.
And you're defending it. Even Gerard isn't doing that any more.
I propose you email me a picture of yourself, and if I think you're ugly, I'll make fun of you in a forum of my choice. If you're lucky, I might tell you where.
You can't possibly have any objection, because you're happy enough when it happens to other people. You can contact me via the link on this comment.
If for some reason you decide not to comply, it may be that you've discovered you have a conscience after all. Do not be alarmed. This is considered normal.
My orkut profile, Chek out:
I agree with Kct and Gerard. obviously, it's just a joke.
relax grape, or are you so ugly?
Yeah, people, lighten up. If ugly people don't want to be made fun of, they should either get plastic surgery or hide away in a dark room. If we have to suffer the indignity of looking at their ugliness, we should be allowed to ease our pain by laughing at them.
@anonymous: Grow some balls before you talk to me.
@kct: so you're not only ugly, you're also pretentious.
@jonny: Send your picture on and I'll submit it with kct's. I hope you look like Andrew Ridgely, cos kct has got the Eighties George Michael vibe down perfectly. You guys could make a great couple.
I love Jennifer Aniston! I love Sandra Bullock! I love Paris Hilton!
lol kct!!!
Wow. 21 comments. How many of Gerard's posts have received 21 comments??
kct... I have no idea what you're talking about in your post. I must be ignorant, because it's not obvious to me.
As I said - Gerard's just showing us a bizzare or interesting website, like he does every day. I wouldn't get mad at Gerard. But, I do think that the fugly site is disgusting. I did go and look at it out of curiousity. Didn't stay there very long.
Pretty disgusting.
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