Saturday 31 May 2008

The Ladybird Book Of The Policeman

Ladybird easy-reading books are small hardback educational books for children. This book 'The Policeman' from the series 'People at Work' however is a parody. The pictures stay the same but the text is altered.

Subject #164

Filmed in the early 60's, this laboratory documentary follows a newly discovered and apparently unintelligent Neanderthal Humanlike specimen which is found, through testing, to have amazing logic-solving intelligence.

We observe the progress of 'Subject #164' over a period of approximately three years as scientists document its behaviour and progress, until in the end it is exhaustively tested to death.

Sensible Units

The purpose of Sensible Units is to make units of measurement understandable. It takes a quantity with a scientific unit and turns it into several quantities with sensible units, like elephants, buses and Great Walls of China.

For example, 1 lb equals 3 human kidneys, 8 tennis balls, and 3.2 wireless computer mice. And 100,000 miles equals 24 Great Walls of China, 25 Amazon rivers, and 4 Earth equators.

(thanks Mark)

Always Wear A Helmet

When helmets make no sense.

Mouse Print

Mouse Print is the fine print in advertising, in a contract, or on a product label, often buried out of easy sight. In the worst cases, the mouse print changes the meaning of, or contradicts the primary claims or promises being made. Sometimes, the catch is not even disclosed.

The website,, turns advertising on its head by focusing on an ad's asterisked fine print footnote rather than the headline. It also examines the often overlooked small print on product labels and contracts. The goal is to help educate the public about the catches or 'gotchas' in disclaimers, and to encourage advertisers to abandon the motto, 'the big print giveth, and the little print taketh away.'

Best Cartoons - All On One Page

Best Cartoons.

Friday 30 May 2008

Chest Bump

The moment George Bush 'chest bumps' an airman.

Incredible Pictures Of One Of Earth's Last Uncontacted Tribes

One of Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes has been spotted in the far western Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border. The Indians were sighted in an Ethno-Environmental Protected Area along the Envira River in flights over remote Acre state.

The Brazilian government foundation said it photographed 'strong and healthy' warriors, six huts and a large planted area. But it was not known to which tribe they belonged, the group said.


Ash Singh is a Canadian born, Hong Kong educated entrepreneur based in Singapore. He says:

Racism is driven by being afraid of the unknown. People that do not wear a turban need to connect with the turban to understand it. helps by allowing anyone in the world to visualize themselves in a turban.

See how you look in a turban.

(via Ursi's Blog)


13 Online Tools for Beer Lovers

How to Make Your Own Tonic Water

15 Places to Find Great Screencasts

How to Clean Stuff

The 9 Weirdest Musical Instruments

Artybasheff's Machinalia

Boris Artzybasheff was born in Kharkiv, Russia in 1899. Perhaps one of the most flexible artists, Artzybasheff's style ranged from flat, graphic designs to meticulously rendered compositions.

He did technical drawings of machinery, portraits, whimsical illustrations for books, silly comics, and even some typography.

Artzybasheff was strongly influenced by the then contemporary, representational surrealist movement. This shows in his anthropomorphized characters, his juxtaposition of unrelated objects, and his realistic rendering of subjects.

Russian Truckers

People in the Northern parts of Russia need food and other things for comfort living as anyone else does, so shippers should get this to them everyday no matter what's going on with the weather. In winter temperatures can go below -67 F.

How do Russian truckers cope with this? You can see some moments of their winter life from this photoset.

12 Things You May Not Know About The Nobel Prizes

You may be under the impression that only the best of the best get awarded Nobel Prizes. You may think that the carefully thought out opinions by the selection committees would highlight lasting improvements in the sciences and the peace process.

You may also be aware that the Nobel Prizes are never given out posthumously. If you believe any of those, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Here are some curious facts about the Nobel Prizes, the recipients, and the non-recipients that may challenge your knowledge.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Non-Abductees Anonymous

What a terrible feeling it must be to know that you have never been abducted by aliens. What have you done to deserve this extraterrestial rejection?


Google Maps Street View can lead you on a voyeuristic journey of discovery. Streetviewr is currently listing 2,362 funny, weird or dramatic Street View images.

Google Street View sometimes shows some glitches like in this picture where a Mercedes convertible is shrunk to a mini car because images were not joined together perfectly.

Download Day

Download Day is an attempt to set a world record for the most software downloads in 24 hours and will occur on Firefox 3 launch day. Download Day will coincide with the general availability of Firefox 3. The clock will start ticking when Firefox 3 goes out the door and that should be in June.

All you have to do for now is to pledge to get Firefox 3 during Download Day. As soon as it is available, download it, and you'll get a customized certificate from Download Day Headquarters.

150 Things You Didn't Know About The Human World

* The women of the Tiwi tribe in the Pacific are married at birth.
* The national flag of Italy was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte.
* Winston Churchill’s mother was descended from a Red Indian.
* It is a criminal offence to drive around in a dirty car in Russia.
* In parts of Malaya, the women keep harems of men.
* The Dutch in general prefer their french fries with mayonnaise.

Well, that last one I can vouch for.

150 Things You Didn't Know About The Human World.

(via Reality Carnival)

The Great American Roadtrip

From Sunday May 4 to Thursday May 8, Joey Stocking, Josh Keeler and Adam Gatherum made a roadtrip through all 48 US states, nonstop, in a 2005 Scion xB. They drove 7,008 miles and it took them 106 hours and 43 minutes.

Master Of The Internet

An infomercial from 1997.

Read At Work

How to read at work without being busted. If you like to read at work but have to be careful about your boss looking at your screen, Read At Work disguises itself as a Windows desktop with the links in windows folders.

You can read short stories, poetry, satire, and classic books in a Powerpoint presentation without anyone noticing you're not working.

(via Ursi's Blog)

The Ampersand

An ampersand (&), also commonly called an 'and sign' is a logogram representing the conjunction 'and.' The symbol is a ligature of the letters in et, Latin for 'and.'

The word ampersand is a corruption of the phrase 'and per se and.' The ampersand symbol has been found on ancient Roman sources dating to the first century A.D.

The Ampersand is a weblog attempting to give this humble character the respect it deserves.

(via Rockhoppers Daily Grind)

Wednesday 28 May 2008

You Suffer

'You Suffer' is a song by the British grindcore band Napalm Death. The song has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest recorded song ever. It is precisely 1.316 seconds long and consists entirely of the lyrics 'You suffer - but why?'

The song was written by band members Nicholas Bullen and Justin Broadrick during the sessions for the 'From Enslavement to Obliteration' demo recording in March 1986, and is featured on the album Scum, released in 1987.

Here's the 'You Suffer' video.

Ghost In A Bottle

For $20 you can now purchase a ghost in a bottle. Each Ghost is captured from a reported haunted establishment and sealed in it's own bottle. The bottle is sealed for your protection. No maintenance required; except occasional dusting. You may release the Ghost at your own discretion and at your own risk.

However, it is not recommended that you break or open the bottle. If you do, you may experience things like:

doors opening or closing slowly,
a feeling someone is following you around your home,
noises leading into or out of rooms that no one is present in,
lights coming on or going off by themselves,
or bed covers pulled off you, or your pillow may be tossed on the floor during the night.

The Google Robot FAQ

Google Robots are human-like machines that walk the earth to record information. They do no harm, and they do not invade your privacy. Google Robots do not surf the web, that part is still left to the so-called Googlebots.

A Google Robot, by definition of its internal software program, can never harm a human person unless out of self-defense. At the moment there are 10 million Google Robots walking the earth.

Smartest Browser And Operating System

IQLeague have some kind of online IQ test on their site and they group IQ scores of all visitors by different geographical locations. Here is an interesting part - they also group IQ Scores by referrer website and by client browser and operating system.

If you use an AppleMAC-Safari on UNIX, you belong to the smartest of people. If you use Internet Explorer on Windows98, you better start to worry.

(via Weird Blogs)

How Your Dentist Can Save Your Life

Mouth infections can usually be cured very easily. But runaway dental infections can be treacherous. They have eaten through the skin in people's necks, choked off airways, migrated to the heart, burrowed into brains and, yes, even killed people.

Are you scared enough now? The point is, everyone is vulnerable, because bacteria that routinely lurk in the mouth cause tooth decay and gum disease. The problem: Most people don't know they have these infections.

Gum disease may also heighten the risk for heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia and premature birth. But the good news is that with good old regular brushing and flossing, you may prevent all that. And by seeing your dentist often, you can nip most problems in the bud.

(via Look At This...)


105 Free College Lectures

Beautiful And Original Product Design

106 Organizations that Are Changing the World

60 Fun Things to Do for Little or No Money


A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

Text2Mindmap is an online application that converts texts to a mind map. Text2Mindmap takes a structured list of words or sentences, interprets it, and draws a mind map of them.

Do More With Your Webcam

Turn your webcam into a Motion-Sensing Security Camera, login to Windows with your face, create time-lapse videos, chronicle your face, turn your PC into a photo booth.

Do More With Your Webcam.

Tuesday 27 May 2008

The Quest For Every Beard Type

Jon Dyer has been growing a beard every winter for some years now, and every spring, he tries to see how many facial hair variations he can check off from a chart of facial hair types.

There are 34 facial hair types on the chart and so far he has been able to attain 24 of them.


Wow, some people are real fans of this site.

Make your own tattoo at ImageChef.

Deus Ex Machina

Jake Loniak is a Transportation Design student in his 6th term. His project called 'Deus Ex Machina' is an electric, single passenger, vertically parking, and wearable motorcycle.

With seven artificial vertebrae behind the helmet that support the rider's head you could control the 'Deus Ex Machina' via 36 pneumatic muscles and 2 linear actuators with your body. Leaning forward the rider extends into the more traditional riding position.

The formal shape of the Deus Ex Machina is naturally biological because the features, the helmet, the arms, and the vertebrae recall human physiognomy, while the mechanics and electronics are worn as an exoskeleton.

BFF Project

You can send Shawn Feeney a photo of yourself and a photo of one of your close friends. He will draw a composite of your two faces. He's drawing 64 facial images of composite friends.

Then he'll draw a series of composites from the composites; 32 drawings combining four faces each, 16 drawings combining eight faces each, and so on until finally there is one drawing derived from all 128 faces.

Google Malware Diagnosis Service

Philipp of Google Blogoscoped reports of a probably new Google service. Just append any domain – your domain or another site you want to check on – to the end of the URL '', and you will find an overview page listing potential problems like trojans or exploits (or the result may be telling you the site is OK).

Philipp made it easier to check this out by putting a box on his site where you can simply type in a domain name to find out if your site has any problems.

The Presurfer is not listed as suspicious.

Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites. This site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

The Fourfortyfour Theory

Sometimes you look at the time on your phone or on your computer and you have a 'FourFortyFour Moment' like 2:22, or 17:17, or 4:44. These numbers are islands made by time.

People accidentally get into them from different places all over the planet and just stay there for a minute. Whenever we have the same fourfortyfour moment we are together in a mental place.

The Fourfortyfour Theory.


An exceptional timepiece that does not indicate the time! With no display for the hours, minutes or seconds the Day&Night offers a new way of measuring time, splitting the universe of time into two fundamentally opposing sections: day versus night.

A new interpretation of Time based around two Tourbillons operating sequentially. The Day Tourbillon operates during the day, defining the wearer's period of activity, and stops after twelve hours, handing over to the Night Tourbillon dedicated to man's own private sphere.

Labels Project

According to Italian visual artist Luca Pizzaroni, label-gazing becomes a valid geographical-psychological challenge. The viewer's interpretation belies his personal notions about geographical provenance, time and memory.

A series of labels found in clothing.

(via Grow-A-Brain)

Monday 26 May 2008

Cell Phone In Microwave

Proof that cell phones are evil.

GraphJam - Pop Culture For People In Cubicles

Pick a subject.
Music, movies, bosses, life, sports, coffee...
Then Graphicize it.

Physical Therapy Exercises For Injurious Situations

How to act after a breakup, after losing a bid for the presidency, and after being maligned on a blog.

Bless You!

Insect And Spider Eyes

Photographs of insect and spider eyes.

Odd And Unusual Chocolate Flavored Items

Unusual chocolate flavored items like chocolate toothpaste, chocolate beer, or chocolate perfume.

(via Dark Roasted Blend)

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: You Bred Raptors?

click on the picture for real size

Sunday 25 May 2008

The Biggest Drawing In The World

On March 17, 2008, Swedish artist Erik Nordenankar sent away a briefcase containing a GPS device with express transportation company DHL. He gave them exact travel instructions. Where to go and in what order. 55 Days later the briefcase returned to his home.

The GPS device automatically recorded the briefcase's journey around the world. The information was downloaded to his computer and printed. As a self portrait.
The biggest drawing in the world.

Tag Galaxy

Tag Galaxy is an application to explore Flickr photos via virtual planetary systems. You enter a tag, and the related galaxy appears on screen.

Each planet contains the pictures of a certain tag, and when you click on them, the images are placed on a 3D rotating globe.


8 Different Types Of Headlines Which Sell

Top 5 Web Browsers That Aren't IE, Safari, or Firefox

25 Ways to Help a Fellow Human Being Today

Top 50 Atheism Quotes

Russian Army Dance - It's Like That


This web site is created for all the Star People out there. The Day is near when we will all stand up and take our part in The Great Awakening. We are here to assist the Earth to evolve to Her next level. That is why we now have to wake up and get our act together.

Get this! None of us are going anywhere before the job is completed. And it is not completed until we are all happy with what we have accomplished! Yes, you may be granted to change your physical body for another one, but you are not leaving the Earth before you truly love it here.

10 Optical Illusions In 2 Minutes

Samsung presents 10 optical illusions in 2 minutes to promote the new SOUL mobile phone.

Saturday 24 May 2008

Direct Manipulation Video Player

DimP is a video player that allows to browse video clips by directly manipulating their content. This method brings the benefits of direct manipulation to an activity typically mediated by widgets. A technique called relative flow dragging that lets users control video playback by moving objects of interest along their visual trajectory.

The DimP website.

(via UniqueDaily)

Nine Company Blogs That Are Fun For Anyone To Read

An interesting company blog can be a great way to draw in new people through relevant content of general interest - and some of them will stay to check out the service you provide.

Some companies just blog about updates to their own technology and that's good for existing users to see. Others are fun to read whether you're a user or not.
Here are some of the company blogs that you can read and have a good time.

13 Of The Best Observation Points For The Northern Lights

The Nortern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are coloured and white flashing lights in the atmosphere north of the Arctic Circle. The lights are the result of the ionization of atmospheric molecules, at low temperatures, by solar and cosmic radiation.

If you've never seen The Northern Lights then you can not possibly understand what you're missing out on. And if you have seen them, you know that you'll probably never see anything quite like them again in your life.

Here are 13 of the best places where you can go to see the Northern Lights for yourself.

Postage Stamp Shows 3-Second Sports Clip

The postal administration of Austria has immortalized a television broadcast clip on a postage stamp issued May, 2008, in honor of the upcoming Union of European Football Associations' 2008 series. The clip shows three different perspectives of the winning soccer goal scored by Austria in their match against Sweden.

The stamp is valid for postage, but most people would probably keep it as a collectors item.

The Chief Cook Robot

The HOAP-3 is a humanoid robot created by Fujitsu. This video shows the robot learning to cook an omelet by whipping eggs, cutting ham and grating cheese. Through the use of a probabilistic model, the robot progressively learns to generalize the skill to various situations.


Freeganism is an anti-consumerism lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies. The lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters but are still edible and nutritious. They salvage the food not because they are poor or homeless, but as a political statement.

Being a Freegan is not for the faint of heart, or stomach for that matter. They take their lifestyle very seriously and if they have to purchase something, they will most often buy it second or third-hand instead of new. Tell a Freegan that they're freeloading and they're likely to agree but will quickly add that their lifestyle is the only thing that makes waste worthwhile.

(thanks Mary)

Friday 23 May 2008


FakeTV makes it look like you are home watching TV, even when you are not. FakeTV accurately simulates the light output of a real television. The effect of scene changes, fades, swells, flicks, on-screen motion, and color changes look just they came from a real TV.

From outside the house, it looks just like someone is watching a real television. The potential burglar thinks the home must be occupied, so he moves on to an easier target.

The Corkxedo

The Corkxedo is a tuxedo made of corks. There are 891 corks used and the garment weighs 15 pounds. The oldest cork is from a 1935 bottle of Chateau Lynch-Bages.

It took approximately 10 months and more than 800 hours to make. The Corkxedo was created by Los Angeles wine lover Dave Hamilton.

When Bodybuilding And Steroids Go Too Far

Right or more often the case wrong, athletes have been taking anabolic steroids since the early 1960's. Many competitive bodybuilders go to excess in taking steroids in order to compete citing that extreme sports require extreme measures, using a plethora of various forms for different effects.

One might increase muscle hardness while another will improve mass, strength or endurance - thus becoming human walking chemistry sets.


Most recipe search engines are very simple: a user types a query and the engine returns a list of recipes which contain those words. Typically, the recipes returned will require many additional ingredients the user might not have at home.

Supercook returns recipes you can actually make right now with the ingredients you have. It even tells you exactly how many recipes you can make, broken down into 'Starters', 'Entrees' and 'Dessert' categories.

Babe Ruth: Constructing A Legend

Who is this Baby Ruth, and what does she do? With this simple question, George Bernard Shaw drew the ire of Americans everywhere in the 1920s. A baseball legend and an American icon, Babe Ruth single-handedly changed the way baseball was played and rescued the game from the dark days that followed the Black Sox Scandal of 1919.

This American Studies project studies how and why Babe Ruth became a hero. Though Ruth's deeds on the field were great, he needed the help of sportswriters and advertisers to spread his legend across the land. Baseball needed a hero following the 1919 season, and Ruth delivered. Ruth became an American legend because he was doing the right things at the right time.


YouTomb is a research project by Free Culture, a student organization at MIT. YouTombe tracks videos taken down from YouTube for alleged copyright violation. More specifically, YouTomb continually monitors the most popular videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns.

Any information available in the metadata is retained, including who issued the complaint and how long the video was up before takedown. The goal of the project is to identify how YouTube recognizes potential copyright violations as well as to aggregate mistakes made by the algorithm.

Retro-futuristic Watch

Japanese company Tokyo Flash sells unique watches. One of them is the
B Version by Twelve 5-9.

The hours are shown on a radar screen. When a button is pressed, the LEDs flash in a random cycle and then stop, displaying the time.

Become Invisible

For sale on eBay: Become Invisible. For only $24.95 you can purchase the Secret of Invisibility.

This is not a toy or a magic trick. This is not an illusion or a Ninja technique. The Secret of Invisibility is an amazing book that renders you completely invisible. This method is currently used by the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies.

Don't Scoff! You CAN go anywhere without being seen. You're invisible to all you meet... NOT EVEN A SHADOW. This works even when you're completely surrounded by cameras or people. Lets you vanish & reappear as you wish, wherever you may be! Kept secret for thousands of years.

(thanks Bill)

Thursday 22 May 2008

UPS Delivers

I hope this wasn't your porcelain dinnerware set.

Who'll Be The Next Vice-President?

Now that Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate for president in all but name, America turns to consider his nominee for Vice-President. Who should fill the role? There are, of course, many possibilities.

Here are some of them.

Photographing A Wedding And An Earthquake

Can you imagine what it was like to have been photographing a wedding in Sichuan, China when an 7.9 earthquake hit and shakes for three minutes?