Monday, 26 May 2008

Cell Phone In Microwave

Proof that cell phones are evil.

7 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Did all of that really come out of that cell phone?

I couldnt' tell if it was a head coming out of there or if all of that goop just looked like a head?

Anonymous said...

I looked on YouTube for more "cell phones in a microwave" videos.

There are some really really stupid people out there. Especially the guy that microwaved the Nokia cellphone with the battery still attached.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that was actually kinda creepy to me. Especially the last part where the melted cell phone innards looked like they were trying to escape the microwave...or i just have a vivid imagination...heh *flicks on nightlight*

Anonymous said...

Ha! Awesome.

I bet that was the brain cancer coming out of it!

geejaxies said...

Viral marketing for the DVD or overseas release of that "1 Missed Call" movie that came out in the US last fall?

It's really well done, but I'm not buying that it's real. There's no way a door-thrashable structure could foam out of a cell phone.

Anonymous said...

Hah! Fake or not, I should send this to all my friends so they'll stop nagging me to get a cell phone.

Anonymous said...

That was the best laugh I've had all day. Yes, yes they are evil. Well done.