Friday 23 May 2008

Become Invisible

For sale on eBay: Become Invisible. For only $24.95 you can purchase the Secret of Invisibility.

This is not a toy or a magic trick. This is not an illusion or a Ninja technique. The Secret of Invisibility is an amazing book that renders you completely invisible. This method is currently used by the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies.

Don't Scoff! You CAN go anywhere without being seen. You're invisible to all you meet... NOT EVEN A SHADOW. This works even when you're completely surrounded by cameras or people. Lets you vanish & reappear as you wish, wherever you may be! Kept secret for thousands of years.

(thanks Bill)

4 comment(s):

Canopenner said...

if anyone is interested I am selling the secrets of the philophers stone, intangibility, wingless flight/antigravity, youth serums, turning lead into gold, xray vision and penis enlargement, just send me an email and Ill give you the prices and payment options.

I even accept paypal.

As an added bonus, Ill send you the secrets to running your car on ordinary everyday tapwater, and my patented weightloss program.

porknbeanz55 said...

is shipping free to Canada?

Anonymous said...

Ha, you can't even accept money-free payment!

CarlosPC said...

Save yourselves 24.95 + shipping:

"Invisibility: one of the most highly sought-after Lost Arts. The secret was recently rediscovered by an elite troupe of ninja contortionists. The concept is simple, yet the execution takes years of dedicated practice to perfect.

First, one must obscure one's face with one's hands. The face will be hidden, but the hands will be exposed. Therefore, the next logical step is to find a way to cover the hands — which, of course, are sill covering the face. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but the most convenient is to move one leg up in front of one's head. The process continues, progressing step-by-step until the ultimate goal is reached: each part of one's body is obscured from view by another. Thus: invisibility.

Once in the correct position, one must simply roll to whatever location one desires, leap up to accomplish the set task, and then wrap oneself once again into a perfect sphere of invisibility — and escape."