Friday, 17 February 2017


Dear readers,

Thanks again for the encouraging words in the comments.

Yesterday I had to go to hospital again. This time for a bronchoscopy. I didn't like that at all. It wasn't really painfull but because I have a shortness of breath, it was a real challenge. Anyway, the next meeting will be next week on Thursday for another consult with my lung doctor. So, all I can do now is wait.

Take care, Gerard.

578 comment(s):

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cynx56 said...

thanks for the update. hope all goes well.

Miss Cellania said...

Follow your doctor's orders! And I'll keep praying.

Anonymous said...

loved you blog for a long time. Praying for you.

loveisthedevil said...

Thank you for the update, Gerrard. Keep on going, it's all one can do. I'm thinking of you every day.

Lydia said...

I agree with everyone else. Thank you for the update. My fingers are crossed for you.

lecram sinun said...

I've had a bronchoscopy done before... and I agree it is not a pleasant thing. We are all pulling for you. Yes, keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

Take care of you,G.…
From France ;)

Anonymous said...

Sterkte met deze ellende en hopenlijk herstel je weer helemaal.

Een grage bezoeker van je site.

Chad Taylor said...

Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Keep Strong.
It amazes me how often we visit 'pages of high priority', those places we keep coming back to , day after day, year after year, and so often forget that there's a human, being there for us everyday.

Rick said...

Hey old friend. Sounds like this would be a good time to take that snazzy sports car of yours out for a long spin to take your mind off things for a while. Your in my thoughts.


Captain Jerry said...

I am praying for you.

David Eaves said...

Hang in there Gearard

Orang Kulim said...

Our prayers for your well being ,your good health and recovery.
People of all nationality and religion are praying for you Gerald.

From Malaysia

Greg in Baltimore said...

You will survive this, Gerard.. Keep fighting. Never, ever, give up.
Greg in Baltimore.

Hekko said...

I wish you all the strength and love in the world. You are not alone!

Emanuel Ferreira said...

Patience, that's what you need more for now. Get well!

Fred said...

All the best, we area hoping for you and for your quick recovery!

The Nag said...

I'm thinking of you and hope you're feeling better soon.

PandemoniumDad said...

The best therapy is to do those things that make one feel whole. Be happy and be whole. Come back to us soon. We miss you.

R.M. said...

My Dearest Blogger - Stay Strong - we're all pulling for you, we need you to be you, love you xox

Jane said...

I'm praying for your recovery. I hope they can relieve symptoms for you in the meantime. Next time make them give you 'twilight sleep' or similar for your bronchoscopy. I've had one done that way and don't even remember it. Hoping for the best. My thoughts are with you

Anonymous said...

Hoop dat het snel wat beter gaat, sterkte met alle onderzoeken en onzekerheid!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for better health and recovery. Miss your posts.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for the best!

Bad Newspaper said...

Gerard, we're all pulling for you. Here's hoping everything will be 100% very, very soon!

Tiu said...

Been your follower for years and want to be for more to come. Take care and best wishes from Italy! In bocca al lupo!

Unknown said...

Such a shock! As someone before me wrote, we have been opening this page for years , almost daily, and suddenly reality shows us that the me, or you, are humans. Time passes....suddenly we notice that. How many people have I made smile or laugh thanks to your links from the generator blog? How many friends have i helped to design a nice or funny image? How many readers like me did the same? How many people have you provoked a smile in their faces on a rainy and cold day? How many children did we make smile? Or on a day when maybe someone lost their job, love or a friend? You gave them relief, even if just a short one. They went on, walked further and some maybe forgot the source. But those of us who return every day, or week, or month...we feel ... we feel with you...Dear Gerard.....Keep strong...I dont believe in invisible forces, but if I manage to give you back the good small moments your blogs gave me all together as one big source of energy and force, I will.

Manuel Cheta said...

Take care. Let's hope that at least radiotherapy, or proton therapy, or maybe imunoteraphy can help.

lalat56 said...


Our continuous prayers for you good health , recovery and well being.

From Malaysia

Unknown said...

Gerald, I'm sure you can beat it, stay strong
Best regards

Lev said...

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

hou je taai Gerard

Unknown said...

Thinking of you!
Jack Jason

alejoacr said...

Hope the next appointment brings good news. Also hope you are feeling better!


Betsy said...

Hmmmm. Hope You get okay Gerard

Angela F. said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your health difficulties. My wish & hope for you is that you have an excellent support structure in place for you. Best wishes & I hope for your recovery.

Mike VS said...

Take care Gerard, sending positivity your way and hoping for good news.

jennw said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. It's good to know how you are doing and that you are taking care of yourself. Keep fighting, stay strong, and remember that you have a lot of people who care about you.

Pearl said...

thinking of you. push in self-advocacy for information as much as you can. we're rooting for you here.

Anonymous said...

All the best, I pray for your quick recover and hope to see you back online soon.

Malcolm L. said...

All the best for your consultation today. May mine and other's prayers be answered.

Coach Bradley said...

Hoping for the best.
I am so thankful for your Blog.
It puts a smile on face in the morning.

Bad Newspaper said...

I really, really hope the next update has very good news, Gerard. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

madamjujujive said...

Thinking of you Gerard, hoping the best. Sending hugs from blortland.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this. My father just went though some lung cancer issues, all is well. Modern medicine is on your side. Be strong and take care.

Unknown said...

Best Regards from México. One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best, dear Gerald.

Such a vibrant site you've kept alive all these years.

So very beautiful and deeply appreciated.

Davey said...

Been a follower since circa 2007, may your troubles ease, and get better! Hugs

Anonymous said...

Please take care! You're a fixture in odd blogging, but your health is much more important. We're rooting for you. For every post be sure there's a hundred more well-wishers.

PandemoniumDad said...

miss you miss you miss you

leeann said...

Really hoping for a fast and uneventful recovery for you.

Awall said...

Keeping you in our thoughts in Pittsburgh, USA.....

Susanne said...

Dear Gerald - you are in my thoughts and I hope all the support from your readers gives you a bit more strength to handle all the unpleasent things you have to go through right now. There are many people thinking of you now, praying for you or just hoping the best.
Liebe Grüße from a german reader - Susanne

cynx56 said...

"Dear readers of my uncle's blogsite the Presurfer. I'm sorry to tell you all that my uncle is passed away last saterday at the age of 67... We don't know what the future will bring for the blogsite... we wish you all the best and we world like to thank you all for following this site for many years...

Fam Vlemmings"

saw this comment & now can't find it. so not sure if valid or not. hope not but if so RIP.know you will be missed. long time reader. :(

Patricia J Green said...

Hi, I ran across your News Paper -What ever you call it-Generator. Incredible and very useful in my jon, I am what they call A Sharer I share for many people in need some are children and rest are adults. I like this because what I do is make photos for people who need organ donors Kidney's and I take their i formation and share it all over along wit a short story. So finding your News Paper Idea made work a little interesting as I am always trying to find new ways of telling their stories in hopes a donor will come forward.
I wanted to look more and that is when I ran into your Blog,I am so sorry to hear you are getting ready for a battle of your own. Just wanted to let you know I will be praying for you. My name is PatG I start from facebook/PatriciaAnslowGreen61 and work my way around the social media sire's sharing peoples messages. Thank You for making things fun and easier to help others. you can find me on link above I do not check my e-mail much I do have a blog but it is for kidneys. I do not need a kidney just helping friends. @WeNeedASpareKidney2015 is one of mine I am everywhere everyday. Smile May God Bless You and May You Get Healed A Sharer

Anonymous said...

I can't find it either myself, posted It yesterday i'm sorry... it's valid...

jennw said...

Gerard, are you there? It's not true, is it, what Cyn X posted? It has to be a mistake. I hope. Not another one. Can some one please confirm/deny/update? This is terrible.

lecram sinun said...

If it is true... you will be missed, Gerard. Thank You for sourcing wonderful articles and sharing. My love to the family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer, i'm sorry but it's true. He passed away last saturday at the age of 67... Gerard was my uncle but we've lost contact a few years ago... i posted a comment last sunday but It dissapear from the site... i can't reach all the followers from the site... again i'm sorry that it's true... so sad

Anonymous said...

Dear followers of the presurfer blogsite, last saterday my uncle Gerard passed away at the age of 67. Gerard was very sick (he had lungcancer). I've tried to post a comment last sunday but i'm not a member of the site so it dissapeared... Again i'm very sorry to tell it you all... This thursday we gonna say goodbye to Gerard for the very last time.. I know Gerard was a beloved blogger by and for you and i know he will not be forgotten...

Fam Vlemmings

Anonymous said...

That's very sad to hear and read. I followed his blog since the beginning. Your professional posting will truly be missed Gerard. RIP my friend. Condolences to the family.

Dryden, Ontario, Canada.

jennw said...

I am so sorry to learn this. First Kev at Arbroath last month and now Gerard. I will miss him very much. I've read his blog for so long. Please know that he had many friends around the world that he made smile every day. I wish peace and good memories to your family and his.

cjb said...

I just want to offer my condolences to Gerard's loved ones and my fellow Presurfer enthusiasts. His blog means a lot to many of us who read it on a daily basis. May you feel God's peace in this time of transition. Hugs to all of you from Indiana, USA.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, so sorry to hear this. My condolences to family and friends. For so many years this blog has been part of my daily rounds on the internet. Lately also my 8 year old son has become a fan of all the marvellous stories and articles that Gerard posted. Gerard, you will be duly missed, rest in peace my friend.

Wendy's Coffeehouse said...

Thank you for the update. Condolences to all. So very sorry to see the news. Such a staple he was in many lives and very much appreciated. He is missed. Love and light. From a long time reader and sharer in Kansas.

the author said...

I'm so sorry to read about Gerard's passing. I've been visiting the Presurfer almost daily for fourteen years now, and I've always admired his wry wit and the treasures he found to pass along to his readers. Sending my sympathy, prayers and love to his family and friends.

Jane said...

Please accept my condolences. I thoroughly enjoyed your Uncle's blog and am sorry you have lost him.
Best regards

peosh said...

Thank you for keeping your blog going for so long. I have enjoyed checking in and reading these articles for years now. Your blog was one of the few that I have bookmarked. Your place on this planet has brought me joy many times.
I still use the Zombie bottle opener that I won in one of your drawings.
You, and your blog will be missed. R.I.P.

Susanne said...

My sincere condolences for your loss. Gerard's blog was always entertaining, educating and over all a beacon of goodness. There was never a single link I regretted shock value, no grime and gore. Just a site that made us all a bit smarter click by click.

your sincerely

The Nag said...

Gerard Vlemmings started blogging in September 24, 2000. I started following his blog in 2002 and it led me to wonderful things on the web that I never would have found on my own. It also inspired me to start my own blog in 2005. One of the first people to link to my little blog was Gerard and I felt so important! He was my first and most loyal follower. Since then he has referred many people to my blog and for that I am grateful. Although we never met I feel that I have lost a friend and I will miss him very much.

Unknown said...

My gut told me to read the comments and I was right to do so. Sorry to see you go Gerard. I believe I've followed you in some form since the very beginning. You will be missed.

Unknown said...

For many years, I had a friend I never met.
He made me laugh, he lifted my spirits.
I will always remember him, and not with sadness.

Kenny M said...

Thank You Gerard for everything.I never missed a single day, for I don't know how many years, clicking on The Presurfer. I was educated and entertained by your fantastic site. I will miss you very, very much. God Bless You. Kenny.

Lydia said...

My condolences to the whole Vlemmings family. Gerard was an intelligent, witty man who ran a wonderful blog. He will be sorely missed.

Unknown said...

I deeply hoped this wouldnt happen..but it came. My deepest condolences for the whole Vlemming family too. We all lost someone special, you much more.

Anonymous said...

Godspeed, Gerard. Your blog has been a wonderful gift for years. You will be missed.

Miss Cellania said...

Rest in Peace, Gerard. You were a wonderful friend, even across the world.

drgeo said...

via Nag on the Lake March 1, 2017
Gerard Vlemmings, known to many as The Presurfer, started blogging in September 24, 2000. I started following his blog in 2002 and it led me to wonderful things on the web that I never would have found on my own. It also inspired me to start my own blog in 2005. One of the first people to link to my little blog was Gerard and I felt so important! He was my first and most loyal follower. Since then he has referred many people to my blog and for that I am grateful. I am sorry to tell you that Gerard passed away after a short illness on Saturday at the age of 67. Although we never met I feel that I have lost a friend and I will miss him very much.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your and our loss. It's so sad we lost two of our blogger friends within a month of each other. We will miss Gerard. May he rest in peace. Athens, Greece

Bad Newspaper said...

I'm the proprietor of one of the websites Gerard had under "Recommended Blogs". I will certainly miss Gerard; he was one of the good guys, and Presurfer was/is one of the best compilation blogs out there. Rest in piece, my friend.

655Jack said...

This is so sad to read. i was an avid reader of The Presurfer and looked forward every day to some interesting bit of trivia or comical fact. Even my boss, actress Marlee Matlin liked reading Gerard's postings. Will someone take over the site and continue to post the wonderful things that Gerard did? It would be shame for it to come to an end. To continue it would be to honor Gerard.

Jack Jason
Solo One Productions

lalat56 said...


May Your Soul Rest In Peace.

From : Malaysia

loveisthedevil said...

Rest In Peace Mr Vlemmings. I enjoyed your work for many years, and you spread much joy, wonder and interest during your time with us. I'm grateful to have been a fan and beneficiary. I'm very sad to read the news.

Nursery Road Bridge Blog said...

Rest In Peace, and prayers for you and your family.

nickyskye said...

Dear Gerard Vlemmings, your blog, The Presurfer, helped me get through the last 12 years of cancer treatments. I am so very sorry to hear you have died. I will miss your presence on the web but will remember you with thanks. Loving condolences to everyone you loved and who loved you.

Anonymous said...

A few other bloggers have shared that Gerard passed on Saturday. I have no links to back this up, and I hope it is not true, but...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I only recently stubled across this blog, but I was already hooked! I hope his death was as peaceful and painless as possible. Sincere condolences

Nurn in Ireland

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm a relative of Gerard. He is my uncle. Unfortunately it's true. He passed away this saterday in his own house. Today we attended his funeral.
Thank you for following the Presurfer. He enjoyed being blogger for all of you.

Y. Vlemmings

James said...

I am so very, very sorry and sad about your loss and our loss.

Anonymous said...

He was so loved, honest, positive and cheerful. He will be missed, indeed. -avid fan in WI

B Ridout said...

So sorry to have read the sad news. I truly hope Gerard knew how many around the world read his posts and followed his web wanderings. His presence will be missed. sincere condolences to all his friends and family.

Unknown said...

R.I.P. Condoleances aan familie en vrienden...

Tiu said...

Godspeed and thank you so much for your company Gerard with your blog. Sit tibi terra levis.

MineIsAGin said...

Such sad news. I have been reading his blog for several years now and have nejoyed his wit, humour & intelligence. My condolences to his family & friends

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Gerard. I enjoyed reading your blog for many years. You brought alot of entertainment and knowledge to us all.

Anonymous said...

We gaan je missen Gerard.....

Pearl said...

I'm so sorry to hear. My condolences to the family and gratitude for his work over the years.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I have been a reader of this blog from the beginning. At least 2001 maybe a bit earlier. There are so few places that have the entirety of the internet without all the garbage. I truly loved this blog. It was a daily visit, then a weekly visit, then a place I knew I could always escape to if I needed a break and I came often to catch up. I am so sorry he is gone but nothing lasts forever and Gerard has touched and inspired many people, myself included. I really am sorry he is gone.

Randall Rheaume

madamjujujive said...

Such terrible news, Gerard was loved by so many and brought joy, humor and wit to so many.
We were astral blog twins - Gerard's blog and Everlasting Blort shared the same blog birthday many years ago ... and for a year or two in the early days, quonsar hosted The Presurfer on his meepzorp server. We both loved and respected Gerard and will miss him dearly. This is particularly painful coming so quickly on the passing of Kev at Arbroath. Life is too short, hold your loved ones tight.
My condolences to the Vlemmings, thank your for the kindness in relaying this sad news.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that is the worst news :-(
Thanks for all those years of my daily diversion, and I hope it is a small comfort for the family to know Gerard's blog was so well liked all around the world.
My deepest symphathies.


Joel said...

Rest in Peace Gerard. You gave me many years of entertainment.

Hanan Levin - growabrain said...

Such sad news.

Rest In Peace, Gerard.

Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear the news. I've visited the website for years, and after so much time passed with no new posts, I just now read the comments. What a great guy! Interested in so many topics, and never let the website get "stale". Gerard will be missed. We exchanged many emails over the years.

Rick said...

My best thoughts and wishes go out to the Vlemmings. Gerard will be deeply missed. The internet is smaller without him and his work.

My deepest respect.

Rick Schrager

Unknown said...

First Kev and Nothing to do with Arbroath and now Gerard. This gentleman was a pioneer of a very human, kind and humorous view of the Internet and news aggregation.

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Gerard :(

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything. Here's hoping that the affected areas are treated quickly.

scritx said...

Rest in Peace, Gerard, you've been a daily part of my life, giving me always a smile.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Gerard. You will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vlemmings family. Just know that we all will miss Gerard very much. I have been reading his blog since 2003. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this time.

This life mattered.

Ready or not, someday it all comes to an end.
There are no more sunrises, no more minutes, hours or days.

All the things collected, treasured or forgotten, pass to someone else.
Wealth, fame and temporal power shrivel to irrelevance.

It matters not what was owned or owed.
Grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies finally disappear.

Hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists expire.
Wins and losses that once seemed so important fade away.

It no longer matters where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived.
No matter whether you were beautiful, or brilliant
Gender and skin colour are irrelevant.

So what matters?
How is the value of our days measured?

What matters is not what we bought, but what we built; not what we got, but what we gave.

What matters is not our success, but our significance.

What matters is not what we learnt but what we taught.

What matters is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate our example.

What matters is not our competence, but our character.

What matters is not how many people we knew, but how many people will feel a lasting loss when we are gone.

What matters is not our memories, but the memories that live in those who loved us.

What matters is how long we will be remembered, by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.

It's not a matter of circumstance, but a matter of choice.

Yes my friends. This life that we remember mattered.

Anonymous said...

I've been visiting here for over a decade.
All of my best wishes, stay strong and do stay funny.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to inform you that Gerard passed away almost 2 weeks ago.

Greetings, Yvonne Vlemmings (Gerards niece)

Anonymous said...

To Gerard and his family,

I have been following Gerard blog for a long time. For quite a while it was literally my daily dose of diversion. It provided me with many laughs and astonishing stories. A couple of weeks I was too busy to check out the blog and today I found the saddest news. This was and is a great project of Gerard. Gerard really made a difference. I hope the site will stay up for a while. My deepest condolences and best wishes.


Greg in Baltimore said...

My condolences to Gerard's family. He made my day, every day, for over 10 years.
Greg from Baltimore.

Joerg said...

My condolences and best wishes. R.I.P Gerard. You will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Ach nee! Wat een treurig nieuws, het geeft me kippenvel. Beste familie, gecondoleerd. Ik heb zoveel plezier gehad van deze site. Ik zal Gerard missen.


Denise said...

Thank you Gerard. I will miss you. Enjoyed your Blog everyday for years and now I am lost without it. - Denise from Chicago

Unknown said...

My condolences to Gerard's family. I've been following his blog for years now, and will really miss him.

Jonco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cynx56 said...

to the Vlemming family. not sure how you'd go about this but maybe post an entry re: Gerard's passing on the main site to avoid comments from people who have not read comments & don't know he's gone. not everyone is signed up to follow comments so they won't know. just a suggestion. again my sympathy for your loss. possibly contact blogger? i know some websites have something set up to memoralize sites etc.

Jonco said...

I'm saddened to hear of Gerard's passing. The internet is a little darker with him no longer here.

Tony m said...

Thank you Gerard. I will miss you. I am deeply saddened by your passing and will remember your life for the rest of mine.R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Gerards sudden passing. I loved his blog and the internet is a worse place now without his efforts.

Anonymous said...

I've checked in over the years and very often over the past few months. I am still saddened to hear of your passing, Gerald, and think of you often. Thank you for your years of finding the good places to visit on the Internet. Thank you for being you. - Blogeois

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed his writings and posts for quite sometime. My best to his family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Hello Gerard, I have been reading the Presurfer for over 15 years now, and I have very much enjoyed all that you have chosen to share with us. I hope all is well for you, and that you get back to us very soon. Best!

cynx56 said...

"Dear readers of my uncle's blogsite the Presurfer. I'm sorry to tell you all that my uncle is passed away last saterday at the age of 67... We don't know what the future will bring for the blogsite... we wish you all the best and we world like to thank you all for following this site for many years...

Fam Vlemmings"

saw this comment & now can't find it. so not sure if valid or not. hope not but if so RIP.know you will be missed. long time reader. :(
February 27, 2017

Dear followers of the presurfer blogsite, last saterday my uncle Gerard passed away at the age of 67. Gerard was very sick (he had lungcancer). I've tried to post a comment last sunday but i'm not a member of the site so it dissapeared... Again i'm very sorry to tell it you all... This thursday we gonna say goodbye to Gerard for the very last time.. I know Gerard was a beloved blogger by and for you and i know he will not be forgotten...

Fam Vlemmings

February 27, 2017

do hope this blog stays up but would be good if the family could somehow update so people know its more like in memoriam than an active blog. i did sign up for follow up comments as registered persona so not sure if the anons can get follow ups or not. still miss him. :( do hope his family is coping. RIP Presurfer.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I will miss Gerard's wonderful website. He was such a wonderful, gentle and knowledgeable recommender of points of interest on the internet.

Momboleum said...

To Gerard's family: I just want to tell you how much joy he provided over the years for me and his many other readers. Please accept my condolences on his loss, which is a profound loss for all of us.


Pete LaVerghetta said...

Condolences to Gerard's family, thanks for years of interesting stuff, we'll miss you.

Beto said...

I've been following you since you started as a blogger, but never commented anything. I just found the posts very interesting and useful. Hope you get well!

Beto said...

My condolences to Gerard's family. I just found out by reading other comments.

pjm said...


Anonymous said...

My condolences and best wishes to Gerard's family.
He brightened my little patch of Ireland for many, many years.

Unknown said...

my dearest condolences; to those who loved and were loved by him,
I was shown so much light that i must say he shines through in any and all he knew

Anonymous said...

I am back one last time to give my condolences to the family. I loved this blog. Best wishes to his family and thanks to Gerard for brightening my day for so many years.

Anonymous said...

A sad unsubscribe from my RSS reader. I wonder how many read regularly? Quite a few I imagine. I just discovered Kev at Nothing To Do With Arbroath passed away recently too. Sad times. My condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

I don't know you and you certainly don't know me, but I've enjoyed your web postings for a long time now. Please take care and come back soon, as you are missed.

Can't help but notice Miss Cellina, who's had more than her share of tragedy lately, has also wished you well.

God speed Gerard Vlemmings.

Bernie said...

Stay strong, my friend. And don't forget to laugh.

cynx56 said...

to close the account of a deceased blogger


Anonymous said...

A sad day for all. May your passing inspire others. Thank you for your time.

Nicdx said...

That is very sad. Its strange not having known Gerhard yet I've checked this site almost every day for the past 10 or so years.
Condolences to the family and thank you for the distraction and interest that your passion for blogging gave us all.
Rest in peace

Anonymous said...

Condoleances to family and friends with this big loss. For the last 10 years I enjoyed reading this blog. It will be missed.

Ray Visotski said...

He will be missed. My comments can be found here:
May his memory be eternal.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes! You are appreciated greatly, by many!

Unknown said...

Condolences to the family. I was a fan of his blog for many years.

Shaw Kenawe said...

So very, very sorry to learn this. A frequent visitor to this blog. My sincere condolences to the family.

Unknown said...

Gerad, rest in peace.. tjw

we will all miss your succint posts. TJW Sonographersblog

Anonymous said...

u ok man?????

Anonymous said...

rip, you will be missed

may the family find some comfort in our messages

Anonymous said...

I still check in a couple times per week. Peace and comfort to Gerard's family.

Frederic Z said...

I am saddened by the news. I really enjoyed Gerard's Blogs for years... Sincere condolence to his family, friends,and internet buddies... RIP my friend.

Unknown said...

I'm very sorry to read this news. I used to look at his blog 2 or 3 times a week (and by reading back to the last post I'd seen, I saw pretty much all of his posts). Gerard's humanity was apparent to me from how he described his links, and from what he chose to post. For the last several weeks, I have kept checking backl in the hope that he had recovered and would be posting again. Very sad to read the comments and realise he's passed away. Rest in peace, Gerard.

Dan from New Zealand said...

I'm sorry to hear of Gerards passing. Love, light and peace everyone. x


Grateful for such superb blog yours...!
Opencart Website Development

cynx56 said...

previous comment may well be spam. do hope the family or friends find some way to shut this blog down. preserve the good memories. hate for it to end w/ spam. :(
RIP Gerard

Alex David said...

Great updates!!!
Thanks for these updates!


tony m said...

It's so ironic that Gerard and Kev from "Nothing to do with Arbroath" both died around the same time in similar circumstances.R.I.P. Two very well respected gentlemen.

cynx56 said...
re: manage blog comments

also submitted request to help re: how to close blog of deceased blogger. not sure if that will work since not a relative. sure wish people would take a moment to read previous comments prior to commenting. just hate that this blog is being spammed. not a way to honor Gerard's memory.
Gerard RIP

cynx56 said...

submitted to spam on blogger. not sure what if anything that will do. not getting help from help.

RIP Gerard :(

Ulysses Dutra said...

So sad! Thanks Gerard for all the good content you bringed to us. My condolences to all the family.

Anonymous said...

@Cyn X,

Try this link towards formally notifying Blogger of the situation:

cynx56 said...

re: 4/10/17 anonymous comment. actually did look into this further via blogger help. got a curt response re: had to be family or legal rep. etc etc. which i do understand because potential for fraud/misuse etc etc. unfortunately someone other than a fan of this blog such as a family member or legal rep who can provide required proof will have to go thru that process as is online in the blogger help section to have this blog deactivated. til then i can only hope there are just RIP or other such comments & no spam. so if anyone has contact w/ family or legal reps please let them know to contact blogger.

RIP Gerard

Terrie said...

Decided to visit the site today, even though I knew he was sick......little did I know he had passed away.....R.I.P. Gerard......for 15 years, your site has truly been my "Daily Dose of Diversion"

Anonymous said...

Dear Cyn X.

Why don't you just mind your own business? Who appointed you as the guardian of this blog? There are many of us that enjoyed the Presurfer for years that do not want to see it shut down, and enjoy traveling back and seeing the many humorous, informative, enjoyable posts Gerard made over the years. Butt out

cynx56 said...

so you want this comment section & all the comment sections filled w/ spam? there is a way to archive this account & eliminate comments so the entries can still be viewed but family or someone designated to tend to this blog has to contact blogger to do so. do a little research re: blogger before you assume things, k? i would love to be able to access this content w/out being subjected to spam. i'm sure at some point his family & friends would like to be able to view this blog w/out spam too. so there anonymous.

NotMarian said...

Who cares if there is spam? Just skip the spam. I only read through the comments to see what happened with Gerard. Now that I know I won't read the comments anymore. I don't need to see everyone's condolences. If the family wants to shut down the comments, they'll do it. I agree with Anonymous of April 13. MYOB.

cynx56 said...

so sad to get spammed. wish there was a way to preserve the content & eliminate the comments.

soubriquet said...

Another of the light houses on the internet has blinked out. Gerard, I enjoyed your blog and thoughts, and your conversation.
I always said one day I'd meet up with you. It looks like it will have to be in another place.

Goodnight, Friend.

RoGhero said...

Gerard Vlemmings I been your friend for years and you even know my name.I'm a Brazialian reader. I'm just came back today and when I read it in the front page I just said "Ahhh oh no!!" I'm really sad but I'm sure the other side is better than here. I wish someone could put your picture in the front page because we all want to see you at least once.
God with us my good friend!

Coach Bradley said...

I wish someone could put your picture in the front page because we all want to see you at least once
It's in the about me

Unknown said...

Today is may 6, 2917 and came here because I was or am so used to visit Presurfer. Is like magic how some people can touch your life, my life, even if I never met him in person. Only his work, Presurfer. May he rest in peace.

Unknown said...

RIP Gerard. I'll miss your diverting touch on my life.

Etienne de Paris said...

i've followed this blog since inception, just about, and i'd occasionally come visit to get some news. today, i went to the comments for the first time in weeks and discovered he had died just a week after the blog stopped. i've grown up online with this man, and i've liked and shared many of his posts over the years. RIP Gerard.

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Anonymous said...

So sad to hear your passing. I've been reading your blog since 2010... :(
Thank you for the years of happiness and great blogging.
-from Montreal, Canada

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Unknown said...

So sad, been reading for a long. :-(

Hello said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew said...

I still drop by here now and again to click on Gerards links, keeping my eyes right to avoid seeing the last post. It doesn't always work and then hurts like fuck. As if I hoped it might be a really bad script where 'it was all just a dream...' and there is a new post there. It's time to bookmark the links and walk away. Thanks for the giggles Gerard.

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Anonymous said...

thank for sharing

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about your passing, my thoughts and prayers for your family and loved ones. I have been checking the blog on occasion to find you back and part of our daily lives again. alas...
Thank you for the time you spent enriching our days.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to see you gone, thx for the many posts and the effort you put in to your blog.

Unknown said...

I bought my first computer quite late, when I could afford it... and I've been a devotee of The Presurfer practically from the first few days of PC ownership... 2005, to be precise. Work and responsibilities had kept me away the last year or so from my "daily diversion"... and I got to know of Mr.Vlemmings' passing away recently. I am so sorry to see you go, and I can only pray that you find peace wherever you are now. You brought a small but valuable bit of cheer and companionship to my life when I was at my loneliest.Your humour and gentle charm will always be missed.
SM from Kolkata,India

Alex David said...

You have to follow Your doctor!

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Ant said...

Very sad news, thanks for all the smiles Gerard

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how year after year I have always come back to this page.

How can I have do much in common with a man from the Neds?
Amazing Art post unique perspectives consistent content.

even after I know there will be no more post. I'm still drawn to search thru the archives!

thank you Gerald

Jimmy said...

Hope you get better soon. Health is everything.

Classof65 said...

Please come back... we miss you.

Marcheline said...

Hey, I am sorry for having been so remiss in not finding any of this out until just now. Hoping you are okay - do drop in, if you are able to, and give us a shout out!

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Anonymous said...

It's now September. I miss you so much Gerard. I hope somewhere in the afterlife you have seen how many millions of people your little website has touched. You were my coffee. Every single day since about 2005 I would get up, eat breakfast in front of my laptop and read the Presurfer. It's not until now that I am finally removing you from my links in my browser. I really hoped some of your family would take up the mantle. It seems that they won't. Good bye Gerard and sleep well. You are missed by so many millions you don't even know.


Anonymous said...

Thanx for your daily dose of diversion since 2004

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