Friday 3 April 2015

Thunderbird 4 Takes To The Thames

image credit: TaylorHerring

There have been a few strange things going on in London over the last few days which might make the more nervous denizens of the English capital dial the number for International Rescue.

For a start, the still raging below ground fire in Holborn which saw smoke billowing from the sidewalks and tens of thousands of people evacuated. Little wonder, then, that at least one of the Thunderbirds made an appearance.

2 comment(s):

Gareth said...

Tens of thousands evacuated. Only if 5000 counts as tens of thousands.

Ray V. said...

This was one of my favorite TV shows as a child. I had all the toys and could draw all the Thunderbirds. I hope it comes to the States and if not, available on the Intertunnel.