Wednesday 10 September 2014

Tip This Much

A tip is a sum of money customarily tendered, in addition to the basic price, to certain service sector workers for a service performed or anticipated. Tips and their amount are a matter of social custom, and the custom varies between countries and settings. Here in the Netherlands, unless you feel you received exceptional service, tipping is not expected.

But how about tipping in other countries? Tip This Much tells you how to tip like a local so you'll never have to worry about it again!

(thanks Cora)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

There's a subtle Dr. Who reference.

Patty O'Heater said...

Tipping not expected in Spain or Netherlands? Rubbish! I spend a lot of time in both countries and tipping is certainly expected when using restaurants or bars & cafes with waiter/waitress service.