Sunday 7 September 2014

BBC Coast - The Netherlands

The Dutch are masters in water management. Without their ability to 'manage' the seawater, river water and groundwater, much of the low-lying Netherlands would be under water.

This video shows the astonishing man-made shoreline of the Netherlands. Nick Crane explores how ingenious Dutch engineers created massive coastal defences following the great North Sea flood in 1953 which killed thousands of people in the Netherlands.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

1 comment(s):

Unknown said...

Great Video Gerad. I sat enthralled through the whole thing. I have been through schiphol airport a few years back. I loved the cold beer I had there as a I switched planes to travel to the middle east. I learned a bit about how your nation has dealt with many issues. Thanks for linking with me. wwwsonographersblog. TJW AKA Gallgizzard.