Friday 16 May 2014

The Painted Hills In Oregon

image credit: Scott Butner

You might be confused the first time you see these colorful hills. They are in Wheeler County, Oregon. It's a product of nature that has been through various geological eras, formed 35 million years ago. This was just a river plain that gradually sculpted and airbrushed into layers of ash filling the place with splashes of colors, thanks to ancient eruptions.

The hills beautifully shift from light colors to intense throughout the day, in different seasons, and in various sun angles. That's why this is a favorite not only among travelers but among photographers and artists as well.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...


Albert Frank said...

These colors are phony. They have been extremely over saturated with photo processing software. The actual colors are more muted and are various shades of tan and red. The Painted Hills are beautiful just as they actually are and don't need this kind of cheap psychedelic enhancement.