Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Gentle Art Of Cracking Passwords

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On the internet, the most popular colour is blue, at least when it comes to passwords. If you are wondering why, it is largely because so many popular websites and services (Facebook, Twitter and Google to name but three) use the colour in their logo. That has a subtle impact on the choices people make when signing up and picking a word or phrase to form a supposedly super-secret password.

It's just one of the many quirks to be found in the password-picking habits of us humans. There are plenty of others. For example studies suggest red-haired women tend to choose the best passwords and men with bushy beards or unkempt hair, the worst. These studies also reveal that when it comes to passwords, women prefer length and men diversity.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

"when it comes to passwords, women prefer length and men diversity"....

I can think of something else this applies to....