Wednesday 20 November 2013

New Record: World's Oldest Animal Is 507 Years Old

In autumn 2006 a team of researchers went on an expedition to Iceland, where they discovered something that made the headlines across the world. One of the Arctica islandica bivalve molluscs, also known as ocean quahogs, that the researchers picked up from the Icelandic seabed turned out to be around 405 years old, and thus the world's oldest animal.

However, after taking a closer look at the old mollusc using more refined methods, the researchers found that the animal is actually 100 years older than they thought. The new estimate says that the mollusc is actually 507 years old.

3 comment(s):

Ima said...

From the article: "...the ocean quahog’s ability to live for centuries is primarily due to a slow metabolism."

Guess that means I'll be around for a while too, then.


Jason in KT said...

*was* actually 507 years old. They killed it.

tsultrim said...

and it was delicious!