Monday 7 October 2013

The Art Of Urbex - Stunning Photography By Niki Feijen

image used with permission of Niki Feijen

Niki Feijen lives in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He's not a professional photographer. He has never studied photography nor has he taken any photography classes. He's a network engineer with a crazy hobby. Yet, he makes stunning photos.

He's also an urban explorer. Urbex is the exploration of man-made structures, usually abandoned ruins or not usually seen components of the man-made environment. The photo above is shot in a small abandoned farmhouse in 2012. Visit Niki Feijen's website and discover hundreds of stunning photos.

(thanks Michael)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

...not sure if the photos are "stunning". More like "depressing"...but then beauty is in the eye a beholder. imo

Ade Marshall said...

I think this is a stunning photo. It has so much interest and detail for the eye to explore. Will be checking Nik's site out for inspiration as urbex can be done anywhere and has great microstock potential.