Saturday 30 March 2013

Worst Burglar Ever

The Police in Redding, California, USA, released this surveillance video of a bumbling and oddly dressed burglary suspect who threw a rock earlier in March 2013 at the glass front door of Kent's Market on Airport Road.

YouTube link

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily see this as a burglary attempt.To me,looks more like a mentally disturbed person in appearance,behavior,dress,lack of physical abilty.Possibly childlike mentality in getting"even"for some affront by the store.

Brian Kern said...

I do see it as a burglary attempt, and quite a poor one since it seems to be a "crime of opportunity" since the perpetrator walked by once without his mask, not realizing that he was being video taped.

However, after he throws his rock, it is probable that he set off an audible alarm, which caused his shock, sending him reeling back and then tripping over the parking stopper.