Monday, 18 February 2013

Why Your Mom Is On Facebook

Facebook was once a students-only club, but those days have passed. If you're a student, there's a good chance your parents are on Facebook. And according to studies, half of all parents on Facebook sign on to keep tabs on their kids. Check out what they're doing once they log in.

2 comment(s):

Miss Cellania said...

You know, I was on Facebook years before my kids were. Once they started, they send me friend requests that languished for many months, because I didn't really want my kids (and their friends) to have access to all the stuff I was doing elsewhere on the internet.

When they got a bit older, I relented and became "friends." Then I really got a taste of how mundane and boring teenagers on social media can be.

Dave said...

My mother is almost 83. She never knew what the internet was until I showed her back in like 1998. I don't think she's seen it since.