Thursday 18 October 2012

Get Up. Get Out. Don't Sit.

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Just as we were all settling in front of the television to watch the baseball playoffs, two new studies about the perils of sitting have spoiled our viewing pleasure. The research adds to a growing scientific consensus that the more time someone spends sitting, especially in front of the television, the shorter and less robust his or her life may be.

The survey asked respondents how many hours per day they are spending sitting in front of the television. Watching television is not, of course, in and of itself hazardous, unless you doze off and accidentally slip from the couch onto a hard floor. But television viewing time is a useful, if somewhat imprecise, marker of how much someone is engaging in so-called sedentary behavior.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Sitting 8 hours a day in front of my computer at work is killing me. I don't think I can do it for another 10 years. That is, if my job lasts that long.

Anonymous said...

I would often get "written up" at work for "being out of my seat" too often. I felt like a battery hen, but instead of eggs, it was data they were harvesting. Yes, I quit.. and have never been happier