Thursday 16 August 2012

The Ross Sisters - Solid Potato Salad

The Ross Sisters were a trio of female sibling singing dancers consisting of Aggie, Elmira, and Maggie Ross. The Ross Sisters performed as a 3-part harmony trio wherein they also danced and did acrobatics and contortionism. In this classic footage from 1944 the Ross sisters sing and contort all over the place. The video has been color enhanced.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brent ....actually, the phrase is "hoy, hoy" ....not Spanish for "today" and not the Jewish lament "oy vey!". "Hoy, hoy" was a hip musician's saying for a phrase similiar to "that's hep" or "very cool". Believe you can hear that phrase in the old war-time song "Cement Mixer, Putty, Putty". I seem to remember that. But because I'm so frikin' old (75), nothing about my memory is certain. So, "hoy, hoy", Brent are the most! Plant you now, dig you later ....and all that other WWII crap! Ciao.