Sunday 15 July 2012

Tesco's Virtual Stores In South Korea, A New Invention Of The Retail Industry

Tesco in South Korea has opened the world's first virtual store in the Seoul subway to help time-pressed commuters shop on the go using their smart phones. The walls of the Seonreung subway station come to life with virtual displays of over 500 of the most popular products by pasting posters of stocked shelves onto platform walls with QR codes.

They turn the place into a 'virtual supermarket' through which customers can scan the barcode and shop by using the Homeplus app on their smartphones and the contents of the shoppers' 'virtual baskets' were later delivered to their homes.

(thanks Cora)

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I'd rather just take stuff home with me to be honest.

Brian K. said...

Actually, if this were available on the internet, I'd be hooked. I usually do one major shopping run every two weeks - easily in excess of $200. Getting the basics delivered would be great. I'll stop by for produce!

Nature boy said...

I would rather feel the rotten fruit hiding in amongst the fresh ones to be honest