Thursday 12 July 2012

Ron Swanson Says... The Eternal Wisdom Of Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson is a fictional character played by Nick Offerman in the American comedy television series Parks and Recreation on NBC. Ron is a staunch libertarian who believes in as little government as possible and feels the parks department should not even exist. Offerman's portrayal of Ron Swanson has received critical acclaim. The character has developed a cult following and is widely considered the breakout character of the series.

Ron Swanson Says... is tumblr blog that shows the eternal wisdom of Ron Swanson.

(via Everlasting Blort)

1 comment(s):

WordyGrrl said...

Parks and Rec has a great cast of characters, indeed! How can you not like Ron? The guy has a tank trap and Claymore mine in his office.