Tuesday 8 May 2012

Claude Lelouch - Rendezvous

The film Rendezvous from 1976 shows an eight-minute drive through Paris in the early hours of the morning, accompanied by sounds of a high-revving engine, gear changes and squealing tires. Pedestrians are passed, pigeons sitting on the streets are scattered, red lights are ignored, one-way streets are driven up the wrong way, center lines are crossed, the car drives on the sidewalk to avoid a rubbish truck.

While the car was later revealed to be a Mercedes Benz 450SEL 6.9 V8 and the soundtrack dubbed with the Ferrari V12 engine sound. Due to the content of the film it has become somewhat infamous for rumors surrounding the making of it and its exposition. Upon release it was not known who was driving the car and rumors circulated that it was an unnamed F1 racer. Most people belive it was Lelouch who was behind the wheel.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

It was the Stig.

Táxi Pluvioso said...

Lelouch is the drive, he admits it on the making of.

Anonymous said...

the very first "go pro" camera.

Gareth said...

The Stig is way better than that. I remember the first time I saw this back in the eighties. I'd heard all the hype and when I saw the film I was surprised by how tame it was, and how obviously fake the soundtrack was.