Wednesday 16 May 2012

11 Facts About The Ambidextrous

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Most people are right-handed. Some 10% of the world population is left-handed. Only 1% is ambidextrous. Like me. Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both left and right appendages (such as the hands).

It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance. People that are naturally ambidextrous are rare and the degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person's ambidexterity. Here are 11 facts about the ambidextrous.

6 comment(s):

BoholstWife said...

my daughter when she was only 3,would write with both hands. she was very smart. when she started school,the teacher told her she cant write with both hands she needs to choose one. now she can only write with her right hand.some teachers just suck in the america.

Anonymous said...

I was also forced to choose a hand in elementary school, however I still can play pool, target shoot and a few other activities with either hand and am trying to regain writing with both hands

Anonymous said...

i was able to write with both hands in kindergarden but i was yelled at because it wasn't "normal" so now i'm 16 and i'm going to learn again :P

Anonymous said...

When I was in kindergarten I remember being corrected while writing. I grew up writing with my right hand. In high school while playing soccer a classmate of mine was amazed that I was using both of my feet with the ball. That was when I started realizing all of the signs that pointed to me being ambidextrous. So, I gave writing with my left hand a try and my left hand writing is actually neater than my right. At 23 I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis in both feet. Another sign that I use both of my feet equally. Some lefties are forced into being ambidextrous because of everything being designed towards the right handed dominated population. I believe I am a natural ambidextrous because it is not just limited to my hands.

Anonymous said...

I was ambidextrous from the beginning. I ate with my left hand and used both for writing and drawing. In elementary I was taut to write with my right hand. For so many years I thought I was a righty until I tried to use my left hand to write for fun. It was readable and easy! I realized I was more flexible on my left side and use spoons, forks, and knives with it, too. Now I can use both equal and prefer writing, batting, and dancing as a lefty!

Anonymous said...

When I was in pre school I would color with both hands and my teacher would walk around pulling the color crayon out of one hand and putting in the other because she said it wasnt normal to be able to color like that, I'm 19 now and can still write with both hands, I'm most dominant with my left hand for writing, brushing my teeth and using eating eating utensils but playing sports I kick a soccer ball with my right foot, through a softball with my right hand and shoot a gun with my right side and I use my right hand to use scissors, it's so weird, I love it! :)