Tuesday 8 May 2012

100 Years After Its First Wave Of Popularity, The Ukulele Is Back

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Zooey Deschanel plays one. So do William H. Macy and Mr. Schuester on Glee. Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder accompanies himself exclusively on one for his latest album, Ukulele Songs. Meanwhile, every third TV commercial seems to feature a soundtrack of a strumming ukulele.

What's going on? Why is such an old-fashioned instrument once associated with Hawaii and boater-wearing dandies of the early 20th century popular again? Is it a kind of retro revolution? A bit of woody quaintness to counter all the smooth glassy tech of the future-world we live in? For the answer, let's look back at a little history of the ukelele.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

My only recollection of the Uke was back in the 60's when Tiny Tim played Tip Toe Thru the tulips.