Saturday 28 April 2012

The Secrets Of Field Sobriety Tests

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Have you been drinking tonight, sir? Oh. Crap. If you're in a car, that's not a question you want to hear from a man in uniform. And if the answer is yes, you're in for the worst pop quiz of your life: the field sobriety test. You should not drive drunk.

The goal of this piece is not to show you how to beat a field sobriety test. In most cases, no amount of preparation can help you anyway. But they make for one hell of a drinking game. Try 'em out for yourself, from the comfort and jail-free safety of you own home. May the best drunk win!

3 comment(s):

Gareth said...

Field sobriety test? What's wrong with a breath test or urine test? Looks like some police forces haven't yet arrived in the twentieth century, let alone the 21st.

Anonymous said...

Purpose of the Field Sobriety test is to show proof to the court that the officer had probable cause to suspect an individual is intoxicated. No other purpose than to support probable cause. You will fail as the pass/fail is all based on the officers judgement.

Gareth said...

So the field sobriety test would basically be inadmissable as evidence in many countries as it deals with the opinion of a single person. Not with anything as useful as hard fact.