Tuesday, 3 April 2012

7 Landmarks Perfect For Surviving A Zombie Attack

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When the zombie apocalypse comes (and it is coming), you can rejoice in the fact that the shotgun, samurai sword and survival supplies you stashed under your bed will finally be of use.

After the frantic fun of the initial onslaught, where you alleviate your frustrations with some mindless mayhem, it's time to get practical and figure out where you can weather the undead storm. So here are 7 landmarks that are perfect for surviving a zombie attack.

(thanks Danny)

3 comment(s):

Nora said...

Interesting read. Unfortunately, I'm not near any of these places. :( Perhaps I need to start scoping out a zombie-proof location.

Snidely Whiplash said...

Islands are right, towers don't work.
You have to be safe inside but it also has to have reliable egress to forage.

Anonymous said...

I think you better worry more about tornados coming than those zombies.