Tuesday 27 March 2012

Newly Discovered Mozart Piece Performed

A piano work experts attribute to Mozart as a child prodigy (it is believed to have been written when he was as young as 10) was performed for the first time since it was found last year after apparently being left in an attic for centuries. The lively 84-bar passage was played on the composer's piano in a room of his Salzburg home by virtuoso Florian Birsak.

The Mozarteum Salzburg Foundation, which staged the event, said the manuscript was found last summer as part of a 160-page book of handwritten piano music at the attic of a house in Tyrol was being cleared from centuries of detritus.

YouTube link

More about this at Newsday.

(thanks Miss Rare)

2 comment(s):

High Power Rocketry said...

I like it, but it has...

How does one say?

Too many notes?

Yes too many notes.

Well, there it is.

Anonymous said...

¸¸♥~♥*♥~♥ •*¨*•.¸¸¸♥~♥*♥~
