Thursday 1 March 2012

10 Largest Countries Without Railroads

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These are all countries with large areas of low population density. Except for Libya, Oman and Iceland, these are among the poorest countries in the world. Low population density or poverty, or both, are the main reasons for a non-existent railway system.

5 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Brazil lacked!

Gerard said...

Brazil has railways. They have a total network of 18.203 miles.

Anonymous said...

Not enough. The Brazil had an opportunity that not used, and today, it no has structure and does not compensate build railways such in Europe. The governor believe that supplying the domestic market stimulate the use of petroleum , filling the roads of trucks . Build railroads in Brazil today would be like build in a little town of 3,000 inhabitants, viaducts and subways. The city would not have money or skilled technicians .

eddy said...

Nice blog

Vince said...

It is a matter of size of the country against the number of people living there...fair enough for certain nations