Thursday 8 December 2011

Solving The Mona Lisa Mysteries

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New York graphic designer and oil painter Ron Piccirillo claims he recently made a series of discoveries - optical illusions painted into masterpieces. He tells you all about it on his blog 'The Hidden Horse Head.'
What if I told you the Mona Lisa is an optical illusion - one painting hidden within another? Well it's true. Since making this discovery months ago, I have been waiting to let the world know of my findings - a secret that has been hiding for five hundred years.

3 comment(s):

Dave said...

Someone looking for their 15 minutes. I'll bet Leonardo is lhao about this guy.

Jim said...

Really stretching it. If you look hard enough, you can find Waldo.

Anonymous said...

The sky must be trying to send me a secret message that has been hiding for five hundred years, because, if I squint hard enough, I can sometimes see shapes in the clouds. True story.