Wednesday 2 November 2011

Japan's Ear-Cleaning Parlors

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Japanese people associate ear-cleaning with their childhood and many of them are willing to pay to return to those carefree days if only for just a few minutes. That's what makes ear-cleaning salons one of the most popular businesses in Japan, right now.

Ever since Japan authorities decided to deregulate ear-cleaning as a medical profession, making it available without a medical license, hundreds of salons offering the service started popping up all over the country. Three out of four clients claim it’s so relaxing they actually fall asleep while the kimono-wearing cleaners excavate the wax out of their ears.

(thanks Stanley)

2 comment(s):

Abraham said...

It's kind of funny that it was ever regulated at all… What kind of education was involved in becoming an ear cleaner, I wonder?

Beezy said...

The earwax of East Asians is much different in consistency than earwax or other populations, as noted in this link: