Monday 28 November 2011

How To Make A Decent Cup Of Coffee With Cheap Coffee Grounds

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You stayed the night at a friends house, and they only have that awful Maxwell House or Folgers stuff from Costco or Walmart, and you're used to those freshly roasted, burr ground beans from your favorite coffee roasting country.

You like your coffee black and hot, but it's clear they do not. Or maybe, you stayed at a hotel and the nearest café is miles out of the way and there's no way you can make it there.
What's a coffee fan to do?

1 comment(s):

Gareth said...

Interesting. Instructions on how to make coffee the way the author likes it, which certainly isn't the way I like it. And having shown this to a few coffee connoisseur friends they all concur.

Cinnamon? Sugar? That doesn't make coffee. I'm not sure what it does make, but maybe a vaguely coffee flavoured beverage for people who don't really like coffee.