Sunday 2 October 2011

How To Make The Perfect Lasagne

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Lasagne (or lasagna) is A dish made by baking pasta in flat, very wide strips with layers of sauce and fillings such as cheese or meat. Here's how to make the perfect lasagne.

4 comment(s):

sonia said...

Please tell me what is a "veg stock". I never saw that here in Brazil where I live. Should it be a sauce made of several vegs?

Gerard said...

Stock is made by simmering various ingredients in water, including meat, bones, herbs and spices. Vegetable stock is made only of vegetables.

sonia said...

Ah! It is what we call here "caldo básico de legumes" which is the basis for soups, sauces, etc.
Thanks for helping!:o)

JQ said...

Are you sure 6kg of meat is only for 8 people?