Saturday 17 September 2011

Ojai Valley Taxidermy

Official Ojai Valley Taxidermy TV Commercial with Chuck Testa. On September 16, someone discovered that the skull on Testa's hat was actually a Nazi SS Death's Head symbol. Testa replied to the rumors by commenting on the YouTube video page:
Hi everyone! Thanks for buzz regarding the commercial, just wanted to address the pin on my hat. I'm part of the California historical group who does WW2 reenactments. I'm part of the US 2nd infantry division and I retrivied the pin in a battle against the 12th SS. I apologize if this offended anyone, hope you can enjoy the video for what it is.

YouTube link

2 comment(s):

Meggan said...

"Chuck Testa does not taxidermize pets."

I'd like him better if he did taxidermize pets instead of cheetahs and rhinos. At least we know the pets would have died a natural death and were taxidermized as a memorial instead of a trophy.

Brian K said...

You know, I'm all for remembering history, but one thing Mr. Testa seems to have forgotten is the meaning behind the "trophy" pin he is wearing on his hat. I suppose, with his home and business and car and god knows what else sporting hunting trophies, he doesn't understand that his pin isn't something to be displayed. We went to war with the Nazis to stamp them out, not to take home trophies.