Tuesday 9 August 2011

10 Hobbies Destroyed By Technology

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Do people still play board games? Or are most games played on screen nowadays?
10 Hobbies Destroyed by Technology.

(thanks Danny)

3 comment(s):

Ashlea S said...

My family still plays board games! We just had a Clue & Monopoly marathon while my nephews were visiting.

And even though I own an e-reader, I still prefer my "real" books.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this list anyway? I read books, I write by hand, I play vinyl, I play boardgames with my friends, and listen to the radio. I do not however mourn the loss of the cassette tape, it is simply a bad medium. Also I'm 25.

Android Tablet Fanatic said...

Sorry.. i didn't know that "you" did all these things. Why was i so ignorant to believe that the world was more than "you" Anonymous...