Saturday, 9 July 2011

From Grueling Dial-Up To FIOS Heaven: Internet History

With a spare fifteen minutes and a few simple clicks of a mouse, the average Internet user can order dinner and have it delivered to his door, download the latest episode of American Idol, make his monthly mortgage payment, and take care of the weekly conversation with his in-laws. All of this done quickly and easily using wireless Internet services.

However, it was only several decades ago that the seemingly instantaneous Internet of modern times was reduced to a sluggish search engine that could make sending an email an all-day affair.

2 comment(s):

Otis P. Driftwood said...

I remember in the early 90s having Prodigy. I spent most of my online time on the Miami Hurricanes football boards. Posts would take the better part of a day and what would be later known as a PM could take 2 days. And an incoming phone call would boot you off line.

Gerard said...

Yes, I remember those days also.