Thursday 28 July 2011

The BookBook Case

Tired of feeling like people are judging you for gawking at your iPhone all day? Feel like you're always 10 seconds from some big dude punching you in the face and making your iPhone his iPhone?

Enter the BookBook. It's a case that makes your iPhone look like.. a book. More specifically, it makes your iPhone look like a little itty-bitty Bible. Which is great, because no one can judge you for reading a Bible. And who would steal someone's Bible?

2 comment(s):

The Anonymouse said...

I made one of those for my ereader. I got a cheap book from a discount store, cut some of the insides out, I normally wouldnt do that to a book but needs must.. and how my ebook has the weight of a proper book.

Unknown said...

Man! I've been trying to find a Bible cover that looks like an iPhone...