Wednesday 13 July 2011

10 Cheap Date Ideas She'll Actually Love

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Taking women out on dates doesn't have to be expensive. It simply takes a little more thought. Too many men make the mistake of believing they can buy their way out of thinking. But creative, cheap dates are often the best kind. They're more memorable than the standard dinner and a movie, and when a woman sees that you're thoughtful, she won't care how much dough you spent on taking her out.

Here are 10 fiscally responsible options for when you're short on cash but still want to impress her with a terrific date.

(via Miss Cellania)

1 comment(s):

Pterosonus said...

A large metropolitan museum (art, natural history, history,etc.) is a great way to spend a day while spending little or no money. Most museums have "free" or "Cheap" days. They have interesting , often offbeat, cafes and gift shops where you can browse without buying a thing. A museum is a good choice for a 1st date since it appeals to people for so many different reasons A relaxed way to open up conversations from the mundane to the spiritual.