Friday 10 June 2011

Great White Shark Fed By Hand

Valerie Taylor is a prominent Australian shark expert. She and her husband are credited with being pioneers in several areas - the first people to film great white sharks without the protection of a cage, the first to film sharks by night, and they are also credited with correcting the belief that sharks need to move forward to survive by obtaining footage of sharks sleeping on the sea-bed. In this video Valerie Taylor handfeeds a great white shark.

YouTube link

5 comment(s):

dbsmall said...

Not sure animals are peaceful or warmongering. They're animals. If she had looked like food, she'd have been eaten.

(Still, it's a cute video)

Dave said...

Animals will usually show their true instincts in the end, just like that grizzly bear guy. This lady will eventually come up "missing" some day.

Jake said...

"I feel that the [enter deadly animal here] and I had an understanding."

-Words spoken by many people who ended up in said animal's digestive tract.

Chris Johnston said...

Well, Tim Treadwell felt that he had "an understanding" with Grizzly bears...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say animals in general are either violent or peaceful. The vast majority of animals will only attack for food or as a form of defence. Great whites, like many carnivores, are ruthless killers when they want to be. Many beaches have shark nets and other defences against sharks because bathers have been attacked by sharks. It's a simple assesment of risk. It makes no more sense to use the argument that great whites are gentle most of the time in support of any policy than it does to say aeroplane's seldom have bad landings is support of abolishing seatbelts.