Monday 6 June 2011

The Customer Is Not Always Right

We've all heard the popular phrase, 'The customer is always right,' but is it true? Can the customer always be right? Not Always Right is a web site that tells the other side of the story by collecting memorable and often hilarious tales from employees that prove, 'The customer is not always right.' Here's an example:

Customer: Is your ice cream vegetarian?
Me: Well, there's no meat in it. It does have milk in, so it's not suitable for vegans.
Customer: Yes, but is it vegetarian? You know, does it have alcohol in it?

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

M favourite stories like this come from bike shops. They all start with the customer saying "I was just riding along, when..." and and with a bike that has clearly been severely abused. They are known in the trade as JRA tales.