Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Villages, Florida, USA - The Town Of Custom Golf Carts

Golf cart paths take people wherever they so desire in the town of The Villages in Florida - no cars necessary. That doesn't prevent residents from indulging in their love of cars, with custom-designed golf carts that are street legal.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

If we all used golf carts for around the town instead of this gas drinkers we would save lots of money and less gas.

WordyGrrl said...

Of course we would, Anon. But with the way most US cities and towns are laid out (no residences allowed in "business" districts), it would take us an hour to drive our cute lil carts to the store 5 miles away.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing thi valuable information UPSers.