Wednesday 18 May 2011

How To Deal With A Difficult Boss

Survey results indicate that approximately 40% of employees have had to deal with a bad boss. Further, a Gallup survey of over 1,000,000 employees found that the most prevalent cause for people leaving is their immediate supervisor. Clearly, bad bosses are a significant problem for their employees and their companies in terms of innovation, turnover and profits. provides the latest news on bad bosses along with relevant resources to assist people in: Understanding and analyzing their boss to develop an action plan, protecting themselves safely, reducing their boss's power over them, and achieving career success in spite of their boss.

1 comment(s):

WordyGrrl said...

Quite a few of the people bitching on that site are doing so in all caps, which makes me think maybe they're the bad egg and not the boss.

I remember all my bad bosses, but I've been lucky enough to have had a few really great ones. The latter are the ones I hope to be some day.