Wednesday 9 March 2011

How To Use A 2-Liter Bottle As A 50 Watt Light Bulb

In 2002, during an energy crisis and blackout, Alfredo Moser, a Brazilian engineer disvocered that he could make light by hanging water-filled bottles in the roof of his workshop.

YouTube link

(thanks Stanley)

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

It isn´t explained how it works ;(
What does the bleach do, and why has the lid to be protected??

Unknown said...

OK, so this is a clever skylight that redirects sunlight and does a nice job of reducing daytime electricity use in a temperate climate. markets a more sophisticated version of the same concept.

I object however when the video claims that the soda bottle "produces" light, it merely redirects outside light. No outside light, no light in the bottle.

The film can protects the bottle top from deteriorating in the sun and the bleach keeps algae from growing in the water.

LadyMissChumley said...

What J Keeler said. He essentially poked a hole in the roof and plugged it with a water bottle -- which can act as a magnifier but doesn't actually create light. It's a cheap version of a skylight, and that's cool in itself.

Anonymous said...

Bleach kills the bacteria and any algaes of living things in the water. The lid has to be protected from U/V Light, which will eventually deteriorate the plastic, causing the lid to leak.